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SkyWest to receive more CRJ900's

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Skaff said:
No, it was not double. And how bout you stop the attitude that if the 900's don't go to you that they should go to mainline. I want to secure the flying of mainline pilots for their future, as well as my own, but ASA pilots want the 900 flying and are pissed that Skywest is getting growth. Not saying that I want you guys to shrink, in all honesty I don't want your flying, but the fact is, is that you guys were welcomed to SLC by Skywest guys. Can Skywes guys expect the same when we show up to ATL?

You were welcomed in DFW and I can only speak for myself but, I'll say "what's up" "welcome to delayland" and point you in the direction of what ya need.
Terrain Terrain said:
Been at Skywest for 4 weeks now. My class is filled with ASA, Mesaba, Pinn, Piedmont, etc.


There will NEVER be ALPA at Skywest., it wont happen !!!

Thanks for the jets, come on over, we welcome you all. But ALPA CAN BURN IN HELL

Some fag alpa shizzle the other day at the training hotel, they were passinf out free hotdogs, the real sad thing about it was that all the guys passing out the lips and aholes were grumpy senior skywest captians that had NO idea about how crappy ALPA was, there were about 30 X-alpa guys laughing our asses off about how much alpa sucks and, eating free hotdogs. Trust me there will NEVER be ALPO on site at skywest. Once the MEC has a couple regional guys on it give us a call, otherwise, BURN IN HELL!!!!!

DUANE make over 500,000 a year, yea he does.......

This is either total flame, or one of the most immature tools in aviation!
Dave Benjamin said:
Wonder if his attitude towards those "grumpy captains" will help him or hurt him in regards to making it through his probationary year?

Well, it shouldn't be too hard for the instructors and captains to figure out who he is..... Former Piedmont, from Sioux Falls. Group interview in STL. Can't be many that match that description.....
Everyone chats about what is going to happen...but as we have seen, it all comes down to the boss's and a judge or two..............NOT the pilots and definately not ALPA! THEBEST
As we grow and become more representative of the population, we get all kinds.
Exskydiverdrivr said:
Hey Terrain, be sure to tell that story when you get out on the line. Should make you real popular..

Yup, lookin forward to flying with Terrain Tool...where ya gonna be based?
Well, without putting it as eloquently as Terrain did, most of the new folks at SKW are coming from other carriers where alpa had demonstrated, shall we say, spectacularly poor performance (no, good intentions don't count for anything). These folks do tend to be spring-loaded to the non-union position.
I have got to say this pilot group is weak.

Everyone starts these threads about losing a/c and not getting a contract.

It's your fault! It's my fault!

We left ATL last night and the ramp was empty! There should have been a ton of airplanes with write ups. Everyone wants to b i t c h but no one wants to sacrifice..."it will just take away my time at the hotel"

For the record - We were late last night because of mtc.

Shut up and write it up! I am not saying make stuff up. If you tell me everything on that airplane is good...I'm saying you did a poor preflight.

Don't pick up that d a m n radio asking for stuff.
Quit walking up to the gate to get the release.
Quit calling Flight control to adjust the fuel numbers when the fueler shorts it
Quit flying sick and tired !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FMLA

I have said it before...everytime I read a letter on Flica from BL, CT, or SH, it makes me SICK. Makes my stomach turn. I can't fly feeling like that!

If you want to play your "Professional" card and tell be about customer satisfaction...fine! Completion factor and on-time performance is the only 2 phrases that management hears, cares, or understands.
rickair7777 said:
...most of the new folks at SKW are coming from other carriers where alpa had demonstrated, shall we say, spectacularly poor performance (no, good intentions don't count for anything). These folks do tend to be spring-loaded to the non-union position.

I've found that most pilots coming to QX from other airlines tend to be pretty supportive of the union/pilot group because they are spring-loaded to the non-management position, i.e., they know kool-aid when they're being asked to drink it.

I support QX hiring folks from 121 backgrounds (furloughees, etc.). I think it's an excellent move for our pilot group. I would be surprised, actually, if this wasn't also the case at most regionals.

It's the college-program and flight academy kids that tend to be cluelessly pro-management. That is until their first year on reserve.

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