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SkyWest takes Delta for Everything It's Got

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Rogue5 said:
Gen L -

Just to set you straight: Dave's a Bro driver in PDX, and from what little I know of him, he's got the whole QOL thing down (like most of those boys up in the Pac NW). Most of them don't seem to be too caught up in the whole airline biz drama: living on boats, playing in bands, Jimmy Buffet and all that.

Cheers to y'all, and carry on...

Thanks Rogue. He told me a few posts back that he never said he even flew for SkyWest. I will look him up when I do a PDX layover next month.....Should be fun!!

Bye Bye--General Lee
Mookie said:
I go away for a four day trip, and this thread is now...10 pages long...

ok, ok, we all need to chill out. gl will do whatever he can to get a rise out of us "poor little bastard rj guys." You all know he flew a 76/75 right?

We should show some respect to our elders who obviously know more about life at the airlines...:rolleyes:


Come on playa hater, don't be all that. I don't think your are "poor little bastard rj guys." Some other guy said he made $90,000 a year flying one of those. Dam! So, you are now "rich little bastard rj guys...." No, come on. I am not like that...... Have fun Mookie flying those CR7s.

Bye Bye--General Lee
Mookie said:
I go away for a four day trip, and this thread is now...10 pages long...

Mookie, that's something you'll never see General Lee do: take a break from ranting on the Regionals forum for 4 straight days...

General if you can, make contact with Dave and let him take you out for a beer. I'm sure he'd be able to show you a thing or two about the great state of Oregon you might miss being a mere passer-by. I've spent enough weeks there with friends and such during my travels and on overnights to know there are fewer places in the United States to enjoy the good life, at least for this left-coaster...
Dave Benjamin said:
I just put GL on my "IGNORE" list and it really cuts the thread down in size. The guy has made 50 posts on this one topic alone. To add anyone (yes even me) to your ignore list just click on the poster's name, select the profile page, and click on the "add to ignore list" button.

I'm with you Dave, and a few days ahead. Its so nice not listening to GL blast us with his infinite aviation knowledge. I can also get through a thread in about 1/10th the time, and dont get all p!ssed off at his constant anti-regional rhetoric. There is a reason I dont but my opinion into an Airlink or Expressjet topic. I wish he would keep to his own topics, but others seem to love the old Gen.
General Lee said:
Great, Dave cut me off. Darn, I was really getting to him. Oh well. Have fun Dave in FAT or DEN. Which one is it? And, I have only done 50 posts on this topic? I have more to go---I am almost at 6000 posts! Su-wheat.

Bye Bye--General Lee

PS---Hi Dave!! I have figured out how you can still read my posts.....

Why ignore GL? Sure, he's outlandish at times, but his mainline perspective is interesting and he makes some good points in between his rantings...
On Your Six said:
Why ignore GL? Sure, he's outlandish at times, but his mainline perspective is interesting and he makes some good points in between his rantings...

I've got mainline pilots I can talk to that live in my neighborhood. I spend time on the water with one of them. The daily ATA Smartbrief gives me most of the stuff that's being made public. There are several intelligent coherent mainline pilots on the Majors Forum that have some excellent commentary to offer.

It all boils down to SNR (signal to noise ratio). In the case of GL it's 99% noise (or all hat and no cattle to those of you in TX). I think he does a disservice to his fellow DAL pilots by giving people a false impression of what DAL pilots actually think. I've met several DAL pilots over the years and he doesn't have much in common with the guys I've met.
Man, finally someone else sees the light! For those that say its a public board and anyone can say what they want, thats true. But, how much of what this guys spews do we need to listen to? Its the same stuff, over and over. Anti-regionals, I'm better, listen to what I say because its the truth. How many of us would offer over 50 opinions on one topic on the majors board when it really doesnt have anything to do with us? This guy just trolls here on the regional board because he feels superior to us, and loves to tell us. What do we care about what some Delta guy thinks about issues concerning Comair, ASA, Skywest, Pinnacle, Air Wisc or any other regional? Like Dave B. I'm just so tired of the hijacks.
Jon Rivoli said:
this month I will sleep in my own bed all but five nights.

Looks like you'll sleep more in your own bed, since you failed that check ride last week in LAX!

Jeez, I've been looking at your other posts (all 12 in this incarnation) and you've proven that you're kind of an ascerbic personality aren't you. Since you post rather infrequently, it won't be much of a loss for either of us if I just put you in the penalty box for keeps.

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Just_Defer_It said:
Looks like you'll sleep more in your own bed, since you failed that check ride last week in LAX!

I really doubt that what you're saying about Jon is true since there aren't any CRJ sims anywhere near LAX but regardless you are truly an a$$ for posting that comment.

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