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SkyWest takes Delta for Everything It's Got

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Jon Rivoli said:
I made $90K last year and this month I will sleep in my own bed all but five nights. I've only been here six years, why should I be in a hurry to go somewhere else? I'm scratching my head and am having a hard time thinking of a good reason. Lazy? Maybe. Fat, dumb, and happy. OK. Tell me why I should start over somewhere else.


Sounds like your situation is great. Don't ever leave. Your pay will never go down, and your schedule will always stay the same. Have a great time there.

Bye Bye--General Lee
General Lee said:

The difference here is that even if we get a pay cut now (or more of a pay cut), chances are that we will eventually raise it back towards where it used to be. You guys are pretty much stuck. I am glad it only takes you 25 minutes to drive to work. That is awesome. Traffic here in ATL probably is worse than there in Salt Lake. Somedays it takes me an hour, depending on the time of the duty in. (they all don't happen at rush hour) And you have a growing business---that is wonderful. I am dabbling in some of that too. IF you don't want to move on to another larger airline, good for you. Stay there by all means. But, don't start crying if the regional airline pay and benefits start to come down like the rest of us. How about your QOL in the decreasing line numbers there in SLC? My buddy there said your lines fell to 160 from 220. That could hurt.

I am glad you KNOW that the "ball of excriment" is coming at us fast. We have taken the majority of our cuts---there may be a few more coming our way--but if you do the math--they said they needed $325 million a year to the judge---we have hit half and the other half will likely be in the form of a credit if the pension is dumped, which is likely with $10.6 billion owed. The majority of that poop ball has hit us, and now I will be bidding for Captain on the next bid probably.

And lastly, I guess I need to stop slamming the regionals---like the name of this thread. What was it again? SkyWest takes Delta for everything its got? Titles like that make me want to respond. There are some really cocky regional pilots that think they have it made, when they really DON'T. With titles like that, it doesn't make me or any other pilot flying at a legacy feel too sympathetic when we hear about the continuing decline of your regional industry pay or QOL. If you want better, you may want to look into applying elsewhere. CAL is hiring.

Bye Bye--General Lee

So true. It's not like the title is inflammatory... It would be great to see how many of these people on this board would change their mind if they were on the other side of the coin. What if Dave joined CAL - would he then support the regionals' efforts to expand their scope at the expense his and the other CAL pilots' job security? Yeah, I am sure he would be fully supportive of COEX's or Mesa's efforts if his job security was at stake!!!! I've got an idea - let's pay everyone regional level wages with no upside! That's great!!!!!
On Your Six said:
So true. It's not like the title is inflammatory... It would be great to see how many of these people on this board would change their mind if they were on the other side of the coin. What if Dave joined CAL - would he then support the regionals' efforts to expand their scope at the expense his and the other CAL pilots' job security? Yeah, I am sure he would be fully supportive of COEX's or Mesa's efforts if his job security was at stake!!!! I've got an idea - let's pay everyone regional level wages with no upside! That's great!!!!!

Hey I'm not one of the guys pushing for larger aircrat at the regionals. I don't have the false sense of entitlement expressed by some other folks. Most pilot groups and pilots will support whatever they feel is in their best interest. There isn't much solidarity in this business.
General Lee said:
And lastly, I guess I need to stop slamming the regionals---like the name of this thread. What was it again? SkyWest takes Delta for everything its got? Titles like that make me want to respond. There are some really cocky regional pilots that think they have it made, when they really DON'T. With titles like that, it doesn't make me or any other pilot flying at a legacy feel too sympathetic when we hear about the continuing decline of your regional industry pay or QOL. If you want better, you may want to look into applying elsewhere. CAL is hiring.

Bye Bye--General Lee
It wasn't me that named the thread. Cocky regional pilots? I suppose there aren't any cocky mainline pilots. If anyone should be worried about declining pay and QOL it should be you. You've got the most to lose. Wonder how that new judge will work out for you guys. I don't think too many regional guys are lookng for your sympathy either. If I want something better I sure as hell won't be looking for it at CAL. I am happy that they are providing some opportunities for FO's looking for the "brass ring" of a major. I just wish some captains senior to me would take the bait. Sure will get interesting if what Bethune and others are predicting about mergers and futher consolidation takes place. Some folks could find themselves retiring as FO's if some of the speculation pans out. Funny how the SECDOT was just talking the other day about that very topic. Do you suppose more or less pilots will be needed to staff a merged set of airlines?

What gave you the impression I live in SLC? Just another incorrect presumption on your part. Don't worry. I'm used to it. You're way off base with 90% of the crap you post.
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Dave Benjamin said:
It wasn't me that named the thread. Cocky regional pilots? I suppose there aren't any cocky mainline pilots. If anyone should be worried about declining pay and QOL it should be you. You've got the most to lose. Wonder how that new judge will work out for you guys. I don't think too many regional guys are lookng for your sympathy either. If I want something better I sure as hell won't be looking for it at CAL. I am happy that they are providing some opportunities for FO's looking for the "brass ring" of a major. I just wish some captains senior to me would take the bait. Sure will get interesting if what Bethune and others are predicting about mergers and futher consolidation takes place. Some folks could find themselves retiring as FO's if some of the speculation pans out. Funny how the SECDOT was just talking the other day about that very topic. Do you suppose more or less pilots will be needed to staff a merged set of airlines?

What gave you the impression I live in SLC? Just another incorrect presumption on your part. Don't worry. I'm used to it. You're way off base with 90% of the crap you post.

Well, let's see---I have told you I live in ATL, and I can only assume (better chances) that you live in the main base of your airline. IF you live in DEN, ORD, SBP, FAT, SAN, COS, YUM, PDX, PSP, or SBA, then GOOD FOR YOU DAVE. I am way off base with 90% of the KRAP I write? Ok.....Dave. Sure. Do you think I read minds? You know what they say when you ASSume?

So, we have the most to lose? The new judge won't even touch this until the final signing as long as we follow our recent TA---TA50. And, highly doubtful that he will change much---he is there right now to work the vendors and creditors over, not the one union that already has protocol for the new TA. I guess you need to brush up on your facts---I would say 96% of the KRAP you write is way off base. And do I worry about the pay and QOL? Not as much with a Captain upgrade on the way. The QOL issues may be tougher than it is now, but that raise will allow me to buy that lap top I have always wanted---so I can stay updated on Flightinfo---even on short layovers in Daytona. Have a great one Dave.

Bye Bye--General Lee
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General Lee said:
Well, let's see---I have told you I live in ATL, and I can only assume (better chances) that you live in the main base of your airline. IF you live in DEN, ORD, SBP, FAT, SAN, COS, YUM, PDX, PSP, or SBA, then GOOD FOR YOU DAVE. I am way off base with 90% of the KRAP I write?

The new judge won't even touch this until the final signing as long as we follow our recent TA---TA50. And, highly doubtful that he will change much---he is there right now to work the vendors and creditors over, not the one union that already has protocol for the new TA.
Funny, I don't think I've ever even mentioned what airline I work for. I've actually made it a point to not come right out and say who my employer is. How can you be totally sure it's SKYW? Have you ever thought I might jhave commuted on SKYW out of YUM and know a lot of their pilots from that YUM base you listed? I didn't even think SKYW really had a main base given all the growth in DEN and ORD markets. Yes you are way off base with 90% of the "KRAP" you write. Thanks for acknowledging that. You need to start working on controlling the arrogance as well. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Being a pilot for bankrupt old DAL doesn't make you any better than anyone else. There's a good chance you'd still be a commuter pilot if you hadn't fooled the interviewers there. I think everyone is getting weary of the superiority BS you're always broadcasting. Get over yourself General. You may find yourself FO'ing for one of us someday. Rememebr that old sayig about the people you walk over on the way up may be your boass on the way down. It's a funny business.

Good luck with upgrade. Guess you might have something to do other than spend hours on the "Regionals" section of flightinfo.
leave him alone.....

Guys... for God's sake, STOP POSTING FOR GL. I made the mistake of engaging in debate with him that went nowhere. He has more than proven himself to be a boob, trolling these boards for a reason I am yet to figure out.

If not, all you'll have is silly arguments based on whose Dad can beat up whose Dad?

As much as I love a debate, he has made it pointless. Maybe we will have another Delta guy that can keep it reasonable. Until then.. please let him just go away....
enuffalready said:
Guys... for God's sake, STOP POSTING FOR GL. I made the mistake of engaging in debate with him that went nowhere. He has more than proven himself to be a boob, trolling these boards for a reason I am yet to figure out.

If not, all you'll have is silly arguments based on whose Dad can beat up whose Dad?

As much as I love a debate, he has made it pointless. Maybe we will have another Delta guy that can keep it reasonable. Until then.. please let him just go away....

Good idea. Let's give it a try. Maybe he can find his way to another board.
Dave Benjamin said:
Good idea. Let's give it a try. Maybe he can find his way to another board.


You haven't addressed my point about how you would view the situation on the other side of the coin - if you were a mainline pilot having to protect your job security from low-cost regionals seeking more of your capacity. Funny how you selectively participate. Seems pretty logical to me but nobody else will admit that they would likely agree with the General if they were in his position... Bringing larger aircraft down to the regionals and paying those pilots less just makes NO SENSE with the JetBlue E190 benchmark...

Anyone care to argue that logically and without emotion?

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