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Skywest TA??? Pay??

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Cardinal said:
Does it strike anyone else as odd that the Skywest bunch on the boards seems to be most gung-ho against this TA? The quandry is that they are the least well-equipped of the UAX carriers to actually fight it without a real union in place. The pilots elsewhere seem to have forgotten that unity, and therefore strength, comes from within the individual pilot, not from some magical force in Herndon. Sigh.

You're thinking in the right direction, Cardinal. Although they do not have an officially recognized union that may actually be to the advantage of the Skywest pilots. They have no conflict of interests, they have no contingent of experts from the Herdon mainline intelligencia "recommending" that they should do this or pressuring them to support their "big brother" or coercing them to accept J4J. In that respect they are blessed.

Nevertheless, they appear to be determined to emulate the folly of the foreign "union". Ludicrous.

The tragedy is that if WE the "regionals" ALL had the collective courage to say NO, both to management and to Herndon, we could stop this slide into further mediocrity dead in its tracks.
The management at Skywest enjoys the fact that they do not have to deal with a pilot union, and has so far enjoyed a good relationship with their pilots. But, this agreement or TA is asking for too much, and I hope the pilot group can see this before it is too late. What they vote for could become the "standard" in future agreements---just to "stay competitive." If they vote YES, many airline CEO's will use that phrase to their employees, and then ride off in their limos to the company management bash at the Four Season's. The rest of you will be waiting patiently in the drive-thru lane at Arby's listening to the local 80's station.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;)

I don't take the issue of voting down this negotiated deal lightly: I would (and do) do a lot to help this company prosper and grow, I do think management and the pilot group have a great relationship and would hate to see it negatively affected, I am happy at first glance with the absence of a pay-cut (hell, looking around at this industry I'm happy to have a job), but after mullling over this thing for a few days I just can't feel good about giving a yes vote.

The TA is workable with some adjustments. I think a basic aspect of any work agreement is that if you do more work (or are more productive), you should get paid more.

After hearing kudos for months now about our on-time performace, cash in the bank, and benifits to be reaped with our third code-share, I think the we deserve just a bit better. As they say, time to put your money where your mouth is...

And I don't like the smell of the "don't worry, we'll renegotiate in 18 months" implication. I think the good faith that has existed between SAPA and management deserves more respect than that.
Does anyone else think surplus1's responses are always too long, or am I just attention deficit?

I would have to say yes, but it does show that he has experience in this industry. I value his opinions, even though they ramble a bit. But, he probably thinks the same of me.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool:
FlyDeltasJets said:
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...

Why does everyone seem to accept that mesa and other regional carriers who agree to fly for less than industry standard put undue pressure on the profession and the contracts of their competition, but when I point out the same effect at aai, luv, or jetblue, my comments are dismissed as the rantings of an "arrogant a-hole Delta pilot."

I fail to see the difference.

And yes, the race to the bottom is most certainly underway.

And it is a perfect opportunity for managements to use this Mesa induced fear tactic and scare us all imto concessions when we are all (regionals) making money! Think abut it...they need concessions because they are making money?

I could go on all night but have others things to do. I tell you this, in all the years I have been in this business I NEVER could have imagined what we are seeing now in ANY pilot group...especially an ALPA carrier.
Im personally voting yes. In the current state of affairs in the industry this contract isnt that bad. The term is 18 Mos. How many CRJ-700's do you think we will see on property in the next few months? I'd bet my right nut a max of 20 at the MOST rosy outlook. A very small group would be affected. Word on the street was that if we wanted a pay increase for the larger aircraft, they would want a hit on the 50 seat pay. However, looking at the paperwork, the 50 seat pay on the 70 seat aircraft would put us as the fourth highest pay among the regionals. I dont think we as skywest pilots are in a position in this economy to be fighting for a cutting edge contract.

The united deal is not done, just remember that boys, we could get the same amount of flying, we could get more, less or nothing at all even. Then it wouldnt matter what kind of 70 seat rates we had, we wouldnt have the aircraft, and most of us probably would be on the streets.

Its not like this is a American Eagle contract, the thing lasts till the end of 2005, we wont have the planes yet, and hey, if the economy rebounds, im the first one in favor of cutting edge rates, but until then, im just glad im not getting a pay cut.

Peace out

P Nuss
The fact is that this TA maintains CURRENT pay scales for ALL pilots. I was going to say that the only concessions are on paper, since we have NO AIRCRAFT larger than 50 seats. But the fact is that SkyWest could impose any pay scale the company would like, not just on new jets but on all aircraft, so there really are no "concessions" at all, paper or otherwise. As usual, our management has chosen not to do that, but rather to ask the pilots' consensus. Our management has my greatest respect for that reason. I just hope that our pilots can reach a consensus that is reasonable.

IF we get some of those aircraft, THEN we can negotiate better pay scales for them in 18 months, IF the market will support better pay.

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