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Skywest, It's time to unify

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ArcticFlier said:
1. We can change that. It's our job to enlighten the newbies. Something we haven't done a good job of in the past. That will change as the koolaid is starting to taste like crap.

2. Possibly, but they are small bases with small numbers.

3. Flat out wrong. Let's just say I'm in the top 7% of the seniority list. Those around me (with a few exceptions) are all pro union. Have been for a long time.

4. Again, it's our job to change that line of thinking. We may not change all minds, but a few may be all it needs. Witness the last ALPA drive results.

5. Yep.

6. Yep.

7. By your logic, I should therefore vote no. My Dad isn't a big fan of ALPA at all, but is a retired airline pilot.

AF :cool:

Maybe you should change your user ID to JimJones. Sounds like your intentions are to poison the minds of those not as embittered as yourself. Why not let the employees, whether new or seasoned, make the decision for themselves.
Oooooh, my feelings are hurt. NOT

boeing76 said:
Maybe you should change your user ID to JimJones. Sounds like your intentions are to poison the minds of those not as embittered as yourself. Why not let the employees, whether new or seasoned, make the decision for themselves.

Embittered? Nope................just walkin' around with my eyes open. Yours will be too some day.

You call it poisoning, I call it education. In the past us senior pilots have done a poor job of educating the new guys as to how our QOL has been degrading.

As to the Jim Jones comment........didn't he drink the koolaid? That's what I'm trying to stop. I'm not forcing anyone to vote anyway other than the way they want, but in the past it's been the new guys that are just 'happy to be here' that have been the swing vote. We've got to go after that voter block and poison (as you put it) their minds with respect to how things have gone here, especially in the last few years. Loss of COLA, ready reserve, -700 flying for -200 pay (if you think voting 'no' on that little gem would have stopped our delivery of -700's you are naive. We're at will employees.), training on days off (didn't use to be that way), no pay raise for how many years?, PBS being shoved down our throats, ad infinitum.

AF :cool:
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boeing76 said:
There's the union mentality again. It's always about what is best for me and not the company. Next thing you know, the airline is strapped for cash because the wages have increased and the profits have decreased.
There's the management mentality again. An airline as profitable as SkyWest can afford to pay it's pilots more. If it can't, it doesn't deserve to be in business. Southwest spends over 40% of it's costs on labor and manages to be continually profitable. The sky is not falling at SkyWest. Most importantly, it is not the pilot's job to sacrifice compensation to make the company profitable!!
boeing76 said:
the new hires in the past 2 years the new guys are most likely fine without a union. They don't want to rock the boat or maybe, just maybe they are actually happy to have a job and enjoy what they do. There's my $.02. Enjoy

How long have you been at SkyWest?

Good Day
United Connection? It appears that someone doesn't know what they are talking about. Boeing76, you don't have a dog in this fight so do us all a big favor and get lost!
Interesting thread, I didn't realize things are getting worse over there. It it seems to be the same sentiments as what most of my friends at Skywest have been saying about their company. What's going on over there? They seem more and more unhappy over time, and they're so pissed off they won't even really engage me with a conversation about it...they just say, "it's not like it use to be a couple of years ago". Someone enlighten me with some details.
Skywest Pylot said:
United Connection? It appears that someone doesn't know what they are talking about. Boeing76, you don't have a dog in this fight so do us all a big favor and get lost!

Pardon me...UAX...is that better. The point was made. No need to detract from the subject at hand. That is a very unprofessional attitude you have. I have seen first hand a profitable airline basically disentgrate because of the union demands. I don't want to see the same fate for Skywest. Don't berate me just because of a simple error. Peace out.
BigHangar said:
What's going on over there?
In a nutshell what's going on is the SkyWest pilot group is embarrassing themselves. Five months after the last pay agreement expired, there is still no end in sight on a new agreement. Mgmt is basically thumbing their noses at the pilots and laughing, yet the pilots collectively don't seem to care.

Keep in mind, we're not talking about big changes to the agreement. The pay increase is purported to be somewhere between 1%-1.5% and a minor change or two in some work rules. Never mind that the pilots (stupidly) agreed to fly 99 seat airplanes for 50 seat pay two years ago in return for some unspecified reward (read concessions). And haven't had an increase in rates in years.

It won't be long before SkyWest pilots relieve the Mesa boys as laughing stock/whipping boy of the industry.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the company has approx. $600 million in the bank. I believe, more than all other regional airlines in the nation combined.

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