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SkyWest Flight Attendants

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blackbox said:
this was taken from Southwest Airlines website for Flight attendent requirements.

A well-groomed appearance is required. Weight must be of such proportion to height that a neat appearance is maintained and physical ability to perform all job functions is not hindered.

I dont think they are bases in Utah.....your post was pretty ridiculous

Well that policy is certainly not in effect at America West Airlines....unfortunately.
Here's and observation that I am sure I will get blasted for...
Why do airlines paint or clean their aircraft, clean the cabins, have uniform standards, require haircuts, etc. etc. but have people in the cabin who are physically abhorent, rude, etc? If it's about a company's 'image', then why do they all not hire for that? I know it is for fear of lawsuits, but a company should be able to hire whoever they want to.
Call people sexist or call them what you will, but I'll bet most people would rather have some pretty young sweet thing back there. Not beula ballbreaker with an attitude.
Because everyone doesn't stay looking like a "pretty young sweet thing" after a few years. This is the United States, we don't fire people because they aged. I'm sure that when you age, you'd probably prefer keeping your job, correct? Or do you think that once you've hit a certain point in your life (and from how you sound, that seems to be around 30), that your company should be free to let you go and you will just have to learn to live on a WalMart salary?

You really can't have it both ways. Either they discriminate against all who age or they don't.
Hey Now!!!
"And you guys wonder why more flight attendants don't post here?! Get over yourselves and thinking that all F/As must be 21 and hot! If you want eye candy, go to a strip club."

Thank you MQAAORD
All we hear about in this forum....blah blah blah fat a$$ F/A....whine, sob, whine, sob....
I wonder if their wives know about all the ogling they want to do at work.

It must be because all the female pilots have removed all their "cockpit porn".
In order to increase the publics enjoyment of flying and distract their atention form the TSA and security threats , every FA should look like pgcfii2002's avatar.
Hey, if F/A's dressed that way, far fewer terrorists would fly!!
they also have to look that way....can you imagine one of the UAL 400lbs whales dress like that??:eek:that woud make no one want to fly;)

(where did you take that pic anyway, ? all airlines should recruit from that college:D)

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