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Skywest - Ever break a FAR?

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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2002
Looking for opinions on the question that seems to come up often on the Skywest interview. I interview in a couple weeks.
"Have you ever broken a FAR?"

Any of us who say "never" are liars, and I'm sure the interviewing Captain knows that as well as you and I do. Never closer than 500' to a cloud while VFR? Never fly a rental plane with an inop ADF that's not placarded?

Just looking for opinions. Also, can anyone answer this question who got hired?

Thanks for your input :eek:)
I interview in a couplw weeks, just looking for opinions prior to the interview.
Unless you did and were violated for it, I would respond "No, not that I'm aware of" and leave it at that.
Here are some FAR violations that I know that occurs,

Given an altitude and be 300 feet off.
Go over 250 kts below 10,000 feet

You should answer the question honestly. Like some of the other posts say to the best of you knowledge you have not violated any FARS
easy answer

"never broken one intentionally, maybe forgot to turn on the xpndr, but not intentionally"

Works like a charm......"trust me." Famous last words......

Good luck youll like it here...
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be honest

Hopefully your response would be.. yes I have broken them.. everyone has.. but not intentionally..
Anyone who has flown more than once has done something that breaks a FAR, ever not check the Notams or Weather on a short airport to airport flight? Ever fly along VFR and realize that you are way too close to the clouds? We have all done it.. the important thing is to not do it intentionally, get out of that situation quickly, and last but not least.. don't get caught by some pious FAA employee.
Fly safe, good luck.. save me a seat in groundschool....
Thanks to all the reply's so far. We're on the same page. Keep em coming :eek:)
I think anyone who has flown long enough to be at an interview has broken an FAR, the question is what do you want to admit to during an interview. I used a situation in which I intentionally exceeded 250 below 10K to get back to base in the face of an approaching squall line. I covered my logic and what I learned from the experience, and I was subsequently hired. Advise I've gotten on this subject is to have a story that would make an FAA examiner laugh, not one he would want to violate you for. Think minor situations in which something beyond your control happened and you violated a rule in the best interest of safe airmanship.
Squirrely: 250 kias below 10K

...so there I was in my Cessna 150 and the TSRW was closing in, so I dove to twice Vne staight down at the airport and, oh by the way I exceeded 250 knots...

Most of us aren't going to be able to use that one I'm afraid. :D

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