I am on the fence about the whole SkyWest ALPA vote. In talking to other pilot groups we have superior work rules than most, make more money than most and SkyWest is overall an enjoyable place to work. Why should our pilot group necessarily take the risk of bringing ALPA on the property. I am not anti union in the least, I just dont see what we have to gain/improve by bringing on ALPA.
While I understand your plight, think about this. Your wages and SOME of your work rules are better than most now, but as others raise the bar, what can you do to force the company to keep up? Also, why NOT bring ALPA on board and support your ASA brothers? As I've said in the post above, we are not out for anyones job or flying, we simply want to keep what we have NOW. Skywest ALPA can help support us in this quest through a unified body that truly represents the pilots, gives them a voice, without the taint of managment propoganda, spin, and agenda. Frankly, I feel it is the right thing to do. We have the oportunity to work as a team here, rather than against each other. Skywest may be a good company, but in the end, its the pilots that have to stand unified and look out for each other. Contrary to what many believe, even if Skywest went ALPA, the work environment won't necessarily change for the worst, which is what JA would have you believe. It is actually possible to have a union that works well with management, if you have good ELECTED reps, and a management willing to take care of their people in a fair, and just manner.