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Senaca's, Mountains and Ice.

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The chief pilot that used to try and push me to do unsafe things all the time, DIED, (yup, D-I-E-D, in an Aztec) about a year after he let me go because I refused to fly aztecs and BE-18's overgross. Sure, he didn't say that's why he let me go, he just said we don't have enough work. I stood my ground, and it cost me a job, but it probably saved my life. You know what they say about the old one's and bold one's.....
Guys, that is some SOUND advice to live by, THANKS a bunch :)!!!!
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God...the guy died doing probably what he was saying was okay to do...karma, man. Karma.

Anyway, I upgraded at the end of last summer. The first thing I learned was NO ONE HAS YOUR BACK. At least not in 134.5. I've gotten in a few "discussions" about flying in crap wx, why can't you land on a 4000' runway...usually with sigmets abound and airport analysis, and I honestly feel that because I'm the only "PIC" on the equipment, I still have a job. Does that give me extra confidence? Yup, but it still wouldn't deter me from saying "no" if we had 10 PIC's. My mantra, "No one ever NEEDS to land in ASE".
God...the guy died doing probably what he was saying was okay to do...karma, man. Karma.

Anyway, I upgraded at the end of last summer. The first thing I learned was NO ONE HAS YOUR BACK. At least not in 134.5. I've gotten in a few "discussions" about flying in crap wx, why can't you land on a 4000' runway...usually with sigmets abound and airport analysis, and I honestly feel that because I'm the only "PIC" on the equipment, I still have a job. Does that give me extra confidence? Yup, but it still wouldn't deter me from saying "no" if we had 10 PIC's. My mantra, "No one ever NEEDS to land in ASE".

He DID die doing something he used to fuss at me for ,but he was not overgross at the time. What comes around really does go around!
That's tragic man, but you are correct and now there's probably a widow trying to take care of the kids. F'ng sucks. Another HUGE reason to stand your ground!
I found out early on about the pitot heat. These things will fool you on the ground. Yea, they get warm on the ground.

Was checking it on the ground one day sitting in the cockpit with another guy. Just as we were going to go out and another guy came walking up to chat through the storm window. About 5 seconds after he got there his hand shot into the air and he was howling as the smell of burning flesh rose up in the soft autumn air. My only comment was why the f*ck would you lean on a pitot tube.

In the end he learned not to lean on parts of an aircraft and I learned my pitot tube heat worked really good. Don't we all love happy endings.
:eek: :laugh: I'm sorry..."the smell of burning flesh rose up in the soft autumn air". 'Ya know, I just about spilled my drink.
Maybe it's good I am out of there. More times than I care to think about I was told to fly over gross and twice pressured to depart almost zero zero. The more I think about this place the more it is full of it. What do you expect that the day to day owner/partner/manager/shot caller is only a fraking private pilot and has ZERO training in the instrument world.

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