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Scenic 402 pay

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a&p cfiguy

Well-known member
Apr 19, 2005
Anyone know what scenic pays it's 402 drivers? Any chance of alternating between the 402 and twin otter or do you just fly one aircraft and that's it. How long to upgrade to twin otter captain if you have the required hours and ATP, but no turbine time?
I'm not an expert on Scenic, but I am in the area, and have flown the canyon commercially, so, since no one else is responding, here's my .02.

Plan on living in Vegas or the Canyon if you want to fly tours. In fact, it helps if you already live here. You'll get home every night, and work mainly during daylight hours, but many canyon flyers work 5 days a week plus one day on call (one "solid" day off, which can be subject to debate depending on the company). I really don't see it being "commutable."

I've got a buddy who recently went through training at Scenic, he say's they're still 121, 600TT is the mins (although they have occasionally dropped to 500TT) and starting position is right seat in the otter at $14.50/hr. Neither of us have seen a Scenic 402 in operation, so I don't know what to tell ya about that.

If you see a 402 over the west side of the canyon, it's probably King Airelines.
scenic is currently looking for 402 drivers, the pay is better than the otter but it is part 135 VFR only, and you need an ATP. If you have any other questions PM me.

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