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Yeah, the left will lose ground. But that's largely due to the massive lead they now enjoy. If this is socialism then the definition of "socialism" has been way lowered.

By the way...what's so bad? What has the government taken over? Health Care? Not really and many countries have way more government involvement in that area that would be hard to classify as socialist. GM? What was the alternative? Let 'em go out and have millions more on unemployment? Citi, BOA, GoldmanSachs bailout? Again, what was the alternative?

I know I'm not changing any minds here, but just maybe I'm showing many that do agree that they are not alone. By the way, Obama did win by a landslide, his approval rating right now is 69% (him, not policys), and the DOW is north of 10k. Stop watching GB, Fox and O'Riley.

Yeah, the left will lose ground. But that's largely due to the massive lead they now enjoy. If this is socialism then the definition of "socialism" has been way lowered.

By the way...what's so bad? What has the government taken over? Health Care? Not really and many countries have way more government involvement in that area that would be hard to classify as socialist. GM? What was the alternative? Let 'em go out and have millions more on unemployment? Citi, BOA, GoldmanSachs bailout? Again, what was the alternative?

I know I'm not changing any minds here, but just maybe I'm showing many that do agree that they are not alone. By the way, Obama did win by a landslide, his approval rating right now is 69% (him, not policys), and the DOW is north of 10k. Stop watching GB, Fox and O'Riley.

I don't watch any of those guys, I cant stand the extreme left or right. But I think your numbers on the approval rating are off. I do watch CNBC, and its not hard to figure out that it wasnt policy that got us out of the jam. Policy doesn't get you out of a recession, read about FDR he will be the first to tell you it wasn't his policies that got us out of the deppression. Whats so bad you ask, its not now thats bad, that is what the current admin doesn't realize, its what is coming. Double digate interest rates to combat inflation. That is not so good. As an economics major in college I remember well studying the 70s interest rates and issues, we are heading down a worse path now. I remind you unemployement is still extremely high and growing in my state of california. The reason the left is losing ground is because people realize we are heading down the wrong path with weak leadership.
Say, super point!

Ya think anything weird happened between 2000 and 2010? Say around 2008?

Let's take a look:

Click for a "look"

6547 to "north of 10k" in a year seems pretty good to me.
Health Care?

Speaking of health care.... I believe one of the key provisions touted by the proponents of health care (actually, government control of same) was that pre-existing conditions and preventive care will be covered.

Guess what? My practitioner of preventive care tells me that Medicare does not and will not cover either.

Maybe that promise turned into a goal, like the campaign promise of "no new taxes of any kind will be levied on anyone making less than $200K per year". I'll bet the Olberman crowd won't be talking about that one a lot, except to try to convince the unwashed that a VAT isn't really a tax on them. Guess it isn't... unless you go and buy things.

We get to hope, but we don't get to keep the change. Sad.
This is interesting:

The chart comes from here.

You just made my point. No response to my comments that Tea Partiers just want "less government, to protect freedom, promote individual responsibility, and to insure that the free market works for all." Just a continued cry of racism.
So, about that historic change to the RLA... A democratic vote at last! :beer:

I think as soon as the economy fully recovers (and all the hand-wringing is over) the non-union fracs are going to be ripe for organizing. Very possibly. I think dealing with the lack of legally binding rules in times of high uncertainty may well have changed the landscape. It's easier to be complacent when there's less risk of one's pay, benefits, etc getting cut but once changes start to happen who wouldn't prefer a seat at the table? What pilotgroup would not want its members to have guaranteed recall rights and a previously agreed upon furlough process that must be followed in case it happens again? The new rules will make the result of any organizing campaign a foregone conclusion. .....

Well, I wouldn't go that far.... But it will finally be a fair process when only those interested enough to cast a vote are the ones getting counted.

Speaking of voting... I encourage all of the NJA pilots to vote in the current EBoard election. Support the candidates and the democratic process...:) Regards, NJW
Perhaps we'll see a ripple effect. The more the new system is used the harder it will be for others to stick with the old/unfair method of counting.

When you think about it...working under a contract is just the fair thing to do. It gives those most affected a seat at the table and provides a set of agreed upon rules for those directly involved to follow. Executives make sure they have a contract. That should be all the endorsement needed.

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