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PS..."Glass Pipe"? Really?

Sums it all up pretty well, as far as sticking up for the president, go ahead, by all means. I hope he stays in office after 2012, I will retire early. He is making me a fortune, all you have to do is short the dollar and its a sure bet. All those promises he gave during the campaign seem to be coming true right?! Big government and multi trillion dollar debt at 90 percent of gdp usually works out really well for economies. Look it up if you don't know what I'm talking about. Rant over, back to original thread.
Or, we can stay on this path...

Yes, US debt is crazy high. The the previous administration for that. I'm not even talking the Wall St crash. Just the Iraq war cost 10 time more than the Health Care bill that the right loves to blame our woes on.

Speaking of Wall St crashes, that too started on the last watch. Think we should have let 'em fail and simply "tighten the belt" during these tough times? Well, that's what we did the last time and it turned into the Great Depression.

Obamas best traight (opinion here) is that he listens. He seeks the best minds our country has to offer and he listens. That is a welcome change from the administration that brought us all these "good times".
Or, we can stay on this path...

Yes, US debt is crazy high. The the previous administration for that. I'm not even talking the Wall St crash. Just the Iraq war cost 10 time more than the Health Care bill that the right loves to blame our woes on.

Speaking of Wall St crashes, that too started on the last watch. Think we should have let 'em fail and simply "tighten the belt" during these tough times? Well, that's what we did the last time and it turned into the Great Depression.

Obamas best traight (opinion here) is that he listens. He seeks the best minds our country has to offer and he listens. That is a welcome change from the administration that brought us all these "good times".

Crist Glass Are you still at it.....BLA BLA BLA Bushs fault BLA BLA BLA the war coast more BLA BLA BLA BUSHS Fault give it up Carter was better then this idiot (I cant believe I said that) BLA BLA BLA Bushs fault, BLA BLA BLA "I have to ge back and put my head in the sand cause OVommitt is great and BLA BLA BLA it's bush fault!!!
Or, we can stay on this path...

Yes, US debt is crazy high. The the previous administration for that. I'm not even talking the Wall St crash. Just the Iraq war cost 10 time more than the Health Care bill that the right loves to blame our woes on.

Speaking of Wall St crashes, that too started on the last watch. Think we should have let 'em fail and simply "tighten the belt" during these tough times? Well, that's what we did the last time and it turned into the Great Depression.

Obamas best traight (opinion here) is that he listens. He seeks the best minds our country has to offer and he listens. That is a welcome change from the administration that brought us all these "good times".

We are down to great listener. Are you Funkdkdkdfindfing kidding?
This guy is leading a revolution and "fundamentaly transforming" the United States of America and you say his best traight is he listens well.

Concerning our "crazy high" Debt. No need to worry. Warren Buffet said on CNBC there's nothing to worry about. Because, unlike Greece, we have the ability to print money.

Unfortunatly, dwelling on how bad Bush sucked is blinding you to what's happening now.
Thanks for taking time to respond...now go back to Fox and Glenn Beck.

PS you are interrupting my Olbermann and Maddow. (see? We all have our crazies to spew trash in our ear, don't we?)

PPS. As to listening...do you think anybody in the world knows enough to run America all by themselves? I would think anybody holding that office would need advise. That's why we give them a cabinet. Even your side had a cabinet.

One more: as to "fundamentally changing the US"? Fine with me. Change is what I voted for. Change I expect. Change I'm getting and change I like. I understand the debt is going up. It does concern me more than you know. But I also know that what we did after the crash in the 30's is what caused the Great Depression. You talk about 90% GDP debt levels? That's exactly where our national debt level was on our exit from the Great Depression. Sure we had WWII to blame but regardless, that's what got us out.

I say settle the hell down. We are not going to be a Nazi, socialist, faciast, or even communist state. Everything is going to be just fine cause, after all...this is the USA and smart people prevail.

gp (smart person)
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All of these political views come from a poster that claims Curr Position: Super Genius. Your argument against Bush and referencing the benefits of labor and WWII coupled with FDR are tiring. At the time, that Pres (FDR) believed in taxing 100% on people that made over 100K. Get real and retake some economic refreshers, this situation is getting out of control. Real fast.
***Stop the Hyjacking***

So, about that historic change to the RLA...

I think as soon as the economy fully recovers (and all the hand-wringing is over) the non-union fracs are going to be ripe for organizing. The new rules will make the result of any organizing campaign a foregone conclusion.

Of course workers paradises like Avaintair -home of the mighty favog, and that Pollyanna-ish copilot- will be immune from this. (just kidding:))
You talk about 90% GDP debt levels? That's exactly where our national debt level was on our exit from the Great Depression. Sure we had WWII to blame but regardless, that's what got us out.

Let me see if I understand this. Once the nation is transformed and goes into a depression, all we need is another worldwide war to pull us out of it. Sounds like a plan to me!

GP, you need to read some George Santayana. Among other things, he wrote that those who fail to heed the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it.
We are not going to be a Nazi, socialist, faciast, or even communist state. Everything is going to be just fine cause, after all...this is the USA and smart people prevail.

gp (smart person)[/QUOTE]

When you voted for Obama you were voting for socialism, and thats exactly what you are getting unfortunately. Capitalism works, and the 'change' you voted for? The 'change' in my opinion is coming soon, By looking at the poles I think the left is going to lose a lot of ground. We will have to wait and see.

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