First off, make some sense when you're posting. After that, quit trying to make Republic look like some white knight sweeping in to save the day for Midwest. That may or that may not happen, but it sure doesn't seem like it's going swimmingly so far, and either way, it's out of your hands and mine. We're stuck flying our contract and doing our jobs, and if the Midwest pilots strike, we back them up, but other than that, we're little pawns in a game that you and I don't have any say in. Maybe our contract is a fairly middle of the road regional contract, but it's being used by people to manipulate a company whose pilots negotiated a far better contract a while back, and any time an appropriately compensated pilot group loses ground, it's a sad day for the industry and our future.
By no means is RP a shinning night! All I am doing to stating a fact... This flying has F&CKED everyone.
Now this begs the question again... Why is the 175 a mainline airplane... To me it is a regional, I work for a regional I refer to it as an ERJ unlike others...
Is it because we use a jet bridge like the CRJ, because we have slides? Because the engines hang?
I know all regionals should be paid more for the job... but ALPA is to blame for this...
I do not choose to what I make ( in a sense of the matter I did) just have to so I can move on to a legacy carrier...
I also agree we all need to be unified... But it will never happen, Pilots and our TYPE A personalities will prevent this from happening.