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Rumor: Skywest to fly 737-300s for UAL

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House_X said:
They only guarantee in the contract is that free vasaline will be provided during the entire 5 year contracted period.

How the hell did you guys get FREE VASALINE!!! :eek:

Let's see. If I went from RJ captain to 737 captain that would be a 35.00 per hour raise. Multiply that times about an 80 hour month. That works out to a 2800.00 raise. That's one more house I can buy and rent out. You guys make it sound so terrible. You must be spending all your money on beer. My wife doesn't work, my only job is Skywest, and I already own two houses in California. What are you doing wrong?
I think the problem is that you would be drastically undercutting the rest of the industry. You would be taking great jobs and turning them into ok jobs. Who cares how many houses you have? The fact is you would be working for a fraction of what you are worth. Obviously most of you guys could not care less.
To a point I agree with you. I differ on what you intimate as us ruining the industry. Any operator who pays less than the top salary is ruining the industry to follow the path you have laid down. Is an America West pilot ruining it for everyone because he accepted a job knowing he was going to make alot less than other operators on the same equipment? I use AW as an example, you can fill in other airlines as you like. I voted no on the TA here because we will be be flying essentially the same plane with 20 more seats for the same price. Flying RJ's is something in SkyWests core, they know how to do it and make money. I do feel cheated on the RJ issue, and I believe we let others down as it relates to RJ flying. Its another story if we were to fly the 737 (which I have to believe will never happen) I wanted to give management the time to spool up and figure out how to do it right. A regional making the jump from just that to something vastly different needs the time and concessions to make it work. I could be wrong, but not many airlines make such a drastic jump and pay top of the line wages on day one. Especially in the atmosphere we were expecting to fly them(post liquidation of UA, flying under our own name)
Southwest has been undercutting the major carriers for years to the point where everyone was trying to imitate them. Part of that was due to the lower wages paid at Southwest. That's why United shuttle came about. The shuttle pay was a little less than mainline pay. So does everybody hate Southwest? No, they love Southwest. Now the only way the majors can stay in business is to cut wages at their own carrier and mandate that the regionals do the same. So are we realy to blame? Probably in your eyes. I could care less. While you are all crying I'm going to be making good decisions based on all available information. Southwest is taking market share and believe me, they are not worried about the rest of the pilots in the country.

As far as being paid what you are worth. Nobody knows what you are worth. Not even you.

Not every carrier is like Southwest. Delta has International ops too, making lots of money flying to Europe and South America. But, they are targeting us in the national low cost area, and we have created Song to go after Jetblue and the likes of Southwest. We all don't have to totally change and turn into LCC's, we just have to adapt parts of our system. Delta so far is the only Major trying to take on the LCC's without changing the whole airline and keeping the rest of mainline intact.

Now on the regional side, Mesa and Skywest have changed everything for that industry. Mesa had already low balled everyone else, but their product was lacking. (Hence United kicked them out 3 years ago) Now Skywest agrees to flying planes with up to 99 seats for 50 seat wages, and the rest of the industry will follow to "stay competitive."

Bye Bye--General Lee:rolleyes: :( ;)
"As far as being paid what you are worth. Nobody knows what you are worth. Not even you."
I am worth a million an hour, and as soon as I find the job that pays that I am done flying!
Lesson grasshopper, you don't get what you are worth, you get what you negotiate .
Voted no and still pissed!
Look, you should all know by now that 50 plus percent of our pilots are limp d*ck, koolaid drinking pu**ies who will do what ever management tells them to do. I still dont understand how skywest somehow needed to know what labor costs would be so they could tell UAL, so they get this 18 month TA and then announce an 11 year contract. Our management came out and said how great this TA would be. Now if management likes it then it must be bad for the pilots!
Oh well...maybe in 18 months we can get a raise....HAHAHAHA

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