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Roof Collapses at Dulles Jet Center

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It is clear to me that Al Gore is to blame for this tragedy. Virginia code was updated in 2006. This is the same year that Al Gore's movie "An Inconvenient Truth" was released. It seems clear to me that after seeing the movie, the powers that be in Virginia relaxed their standards for snow loading after coming to the logical conclusion that it was unlikely to ever snow in Virginia again.

If you are looking for somewhere to lay the blame for this incident (lawyers are you listening) then obviously the blame lies with Al Gore.

:D just what I was thinking
Raawt Roohh

Can you imagine if all those planes were insured through the same insurer? Ouch!

Well I would think that ultimately each owners insurance company would subrogate the claim in which case those airplanes are insured through the same insurance company....Dulles Jet Center's.

Lets see... 4 planes each with a replacement cost of around $50 Million new. You can bet that you are gonna hear lawyers throw around the phrase "Act of God" for the first time in their life.

I cried when I saw the Gulfstream doing a wheelie, but my spirits were picked up when I realized that Bombardier will now have enough spares to support the Global fleet.:nuts:

The good news for the Global operators is that there has been no better time to buy a Gulfstream.

The real sad news is that KIAD really needs some competition on the field. I had not used Dulles Jet Center because you had to get your fuel from Signature (WTF?). I thought that the fueling restriction was about to end and they could pump their own fuel soon. Now this happens. Signature had crazy high prices (newsflash - I know:rolleyes:), and Landmark's service is hit and miss (mostly miss). I was looking forward to an FBO who could put it all together. Hopefully everyone involved (the aircraft owners, the crews, and the FBO) emerges from this fiasco intact.
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The really sad part is that these birds are so incredibly expensive, even at current values, that they won't be totaled. So these birds will be worth even LESS on the market when they come up for sale. I would suspect some of those airframes are leased, so at least those operators will simply be able to walk away from them when the term expires.
The really sad part is that these birds are so incredibly expensive, even at current values, that they won't be totaled. So these birds will be worth even LESS on the market when they come up for sale. I would suspect some of those airframes are leased, so at least those operators will simply be able to walk away from them when the term expires.

If i recall, the jet I was referring to in that tornado was worth ~$2mil at the time and if fixed depreciation/damage history would have been a $500k hit which is why the owner wanted to walk away.

I can't imagine what depreciation would be on these big birds.
Those aircraft are totaled, it's not just the tail damage but the wingbox and main gear area. If you look at the photo showing the MLG of the GLEX you can see how much weight is on the mains. I would venture a guess that all that weight is MUCH more than a hard landing....

Does anyone remember the GV hard landing at PBI several years ago ? They totaled that aircraft with wing/gear damage.

Like someone else said, there will be lots of spares on Bombardier shelves after this.
Didn't even think of teh Vgerect, but yep, I suppose with significant wing box damage, they're goner. Who'd want to fly in them again anyway, and no one would buy them. I see your point on the spares. Gotta make the GLEX folks pumped to have some parts finally.
The real sad news is that KIAD really needs some competition on the field. I had not used Dulles Jet Center because you had to get your fuel from Signature (WTF?). I thought that the fueling restriction was about to end and they could pump their own fuel soon. Now this happens. Signature had crazy high prices (newsflash - I know:rolleyes:), and Landmark's service is hit and miss (mostly miss). I was looking forward to an FBO who could put it all together. Hopefully everyone involved (the aircraft owners, the crews, and the FBO) emerges from this fiasco intact.

I assuming from your post that the operation is shut down including the FBO? If so, it IS sad news. We're in IAD at least twice a month and we recently changed to Dulles Jet from Landmark for the same reasons you posted. I'd hate to have to go back to Landmark and their stupid fake smirks!!!

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