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Riding the Airlines

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
Got an airline flight coming up tomorrow and wonder if anyone has ever had any luck being upgraded from the coach ticket purchased to business/first class because you are a corp pilot wearing your "pilot" uniform? For the guys that wear epaulets and tie outfit.

Got a friend that rides the airlines all the time and he says he wears the pilot suit because every flight he has ever been on with a coach ticket he was moved up to business/first when wearing the uniform.

Thinking of wearing it to give it a try. His positions for his job every 40 days to Lagos, but the company will only buy coach tickets so he uses above method to get business class.

Just a little professional courtesy that is greatly appreciated.
Many of us on here travel frequently in our uniforms. Many of us also hold status on several airlines, but these days even that doesn't guarantee an upgrade. AirTran is the ONLY airline that ever gave me a 'professional courtesy' upgrade to first, and that was several years ago.

Can't hurt to try, but I certainly wouldn't expect the upgrade.
Don't be surprised if the Captain of the flight gets pissed off at you when you deplane because you "didn't ask for a jumpseat"...
Thats a great idea.

Heh heh.

Don't be surprised if the Captain of the flight gets pissed off at you when you deplane because you "didn't ask for a jumpseat"...

This is the most likely result. Your friend gets occasional 'courtesy upgrades' because they feel so bad for him working in Lagos (unless the flights are on Arik).
I rode JetBlue the other day and ask the FA if I could switch to the exit row as it was empty. She told me I could not unless I paid the extra fair. Ok, was very courteous (in uniform), but oh well. BTW- she was very nice about it, which was a pleasant surprise.
Id still rather be in coach in flip-flops than in first class in a monkey-suit but im a redneck....besides I always fly on Southwest
Professinal courtesy?
Seems that pilots are the only people who consider this a profession.
The rest of the business world see us as glorified limo drivers (bus drivers if airline pilot).

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