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Results of ARC rewrite for Flight and Duty (135)

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I came to USA Jet about eight years ago as the result of a union shutting down my airline. It was the last place in world I expected to be in my mid 50’s. I found the job in a garbage can, but that is another story. I was hired a Director of Training and given a blank sheet of paper to build a training department. I believe I was successful in that, most pilots who have been through our training will support that USA Jet has quality training. At that time, our turnover was running about 50% per year and having that turnover puts a tremendous burden on the training department. It was elected to pay our pilots more out of the savings that could be generated by reducing turnover and the associated training costs. USA Jet guarantee pay was raised well above industry averages in the on-demand cargo sector. The plan worked, turnover dropped to around 10%-15% per year. We have not hired a Captain off the street since 1998, I do not believe there is anyone else in the on-demand business that can make that same statement. The company wanted to make USA Jet a place where a pilot if they desired could make a career. I desperately wanted to help make this the best place to work in the on-demand business. The higher pays that part of this plan were predicated upon the ability to fly a certain levels in the on-demand market. The on-demand market is changing with the fortunes of the US Auto industry. In defense of USA Jet Airlines, it tried to break out of the on-demand mold and make the airline a place a person could make a good guarantee, have great training and great maintenance. A place someone might consider as a career. The on-demand business is too unpredictable. However even with the recent pay change at USA Jet, the company is still above the average for the on-demand market. Plus it is certainly way above average in days off. It is a tuff business. We run on tight margins, we have to have the flexibility of having minimum crews to cover our airplanes and still pay the best wages in our sector of the industry. That is why we operate the way we do and feds approve of it. If anyone has an answer they could be a very valuable person.
My thoughts exactly, just because you said so does not make it right, we will continue doing it the correct way. Thanks for for the input and best of luck in your career.

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