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Republic 145 FO or Jblu?

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Absolutely not.

Then I agree :)

I can hear it now......."Yeah - I'm hangin out in the 145 gettin my T-PIC and at 1000 hours I will get snatched up......"

Just to go to JetBlue later at the bottom of the list..........

MAN UP and take a chance Mr. thread author......this WHOLE industry - in alot of ways - is a roller coaster ride. Either get on or move to the side and wait for others to ride ;)
I like my job but we are not a "major". Basicaly we are an oversized regional flying bigger jets.

As for Republic or Jetblue it depends on your QOL. Most of the pay and benefits will be close so it boils down to whether you live in base or care to commute to JFK.

Dude, I need that pick for an avatar. All that's needed is a Groucho Marx mustache. That would be a wicked screensaver for the ole' laptop!

The Pig>
JetBlue has one significant advantage over CHQ or any other regional. All JetBlue flying is done by JetBlue pilots. We don't parcel out the flying to regionals and we aren't subservient to a bigger partner. That means no whipsaw. It's only a matter of time before CHQ (and SKW too for that matter) start to feel the squeeze they helped create. That alone is reason enough to get out of the regional airlines.

The question really is, does the short term gain of staying at CHQ for the upgrade outweigh the mid/long term potential at JetBlue? The overwhelming majority of newhires at JetBlue or any other major accept paycuts to get the job. Why do you think that is? Think beyond next year or even the year after that. Which company has the best long term potential? JetBlue doesn't yet offer a total compensation package that compares with a legacy or SWA. To be blunt, it's sorely lacking. Even at that, the long term potential for QOL and gross earnings is better than CHQ.

There is a case to made for staying at CHQ long enough to get the TPIC. If JetBlue lives long and prospers it won't matter if you don't have the TPIC. OTOH, if you leave CHQ with no TPIC and 2 or 3 years from now JetBlue tanks, you're back to square one. Good luck with that call. That's the kind of decision pro pilots have been dealing with for years. The terminal is littered with folks that made the wrong call.

Good luck.

Not picking on Caveman, but his response says it all boys and girls. We are being compared (seriously) to the regionals.
Is anyone out there debating a regional -vs- even the bakrupt Majors, much less UPS,SWA,FDX,CAL or UAL,AMR when they hire.

That's OK
D&D will take care of us. I promise, really! No I mean it!
I'm clicking my heels, we're in Kansas. It's all better.

A happy Pig. NOT!!
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HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Check the phase two lists for the last 6 months. If that's the case why are we failing dudes outta training?

5000tt? I guess I am the exception, but then I don't consider myself a "new hire". Hell, I only have 3000 or so (yeah, fighter time) but over 2000 of that is PIC. I would say that's an exception too. Most of the career FOs we are getting have far less. I would surmise.

Maybe i should have added a disclaimer:

My experience talking to guys I personally know that goty hired at JB. This does not include fighter pilots who apply multipliers to their total time due to the fact that their average flights are only 40min to 1 hr each.

I would agree that with the recalls at the majors and the longer upgrade time at JB that the total times will go down with new hire pilots.
Not picking on Caveman, but his response says it all boys and girls. We are being compared (seriously) to the regionals.
Is anyone out there debating a regional -vs- even the bakrupt Majors, much less UPS,SWA,FDX,CAL or UAL,AMR when they hire.

That's OK
D&D will take care of us. I promise, really! No I mean it!
I'm clicking my heels, we're in Kansas. It's all better.

A happy Pig. NOT!!

Management likes to compare us to the regionals in regard to E190 pay and tell us how great we have it. I really wish they'd look at their benefit packages also as JB is way behind when it comes to any sort of benefit package. I recently flew with an FO who came over from a regional and said he made over 100K as a check airman on a 70 seater with much better benefits and a higher match on his 401k.

The fact of the matter is that JB generates a certain amount of revenue. The upper management decides how to divvy it up and the pilots aren't getting their fair share when compared to most other airlines. Management has told us in no uncertain terms that if we don't like it we can leave. Right now, most of the folks who seem to like it are the new-hires and the upper half of the A320 captains (the only seat where one can make decent money at this company).

JB has lost over 20 pilots just this month. Why? Because they found something better. This is the highest attrition rate this company has seen in its seven year history and will continue until management decides they want to curb the rate.

IMO, if you want to work for a real airline with real pay, benefits and retirement someday go to work at CHQ, get that PIC time and do what you have to do to get on with UPS or FedEx. These are proven business models that are cash cows. No cyclical nature like the passenger industry. Or, come to JB and enjoy JFK with 1hr+ taxi times, EDCT times because it's sunny, rude people, smelly city, cramped crashpads, service station attendant pilot shirts and blue gloves (which aren't just for cleaning the cabin...how's your prostate? Bend over, here comes management!).

Didn't I read that CHQ/REP/S.AMERCA are going to hire 1,000 pilots within a year?

Unless you want to stay at JB for the rest of your career, go to CHQ.

Just my opinion.

Not picking on Caveman, but his response says it all boys and girls. We are being compared (seriously) to the regionals.
Is anyone out there debating a regional -vs- even the bakrupt Majors, much less UPS,SWA,FDX,CAL or UAL,AMR when they hire.

That's OK
D&D will take care of us. I promise, really! No I mean it!
I'm clicking my heels, we're in Kansas. It's all better.

A happy Pig. NOT!!

Yes and no. I did try to give the guy a serious comparison to us but the truth is there really is no comparison. Despite needing a serious compensation overhaul JetBlue is in a different league than any regional. The point about exclusive flying was just that, one point and that one point alone is enough to make the call even if every thing else were equal. Which it isn't.

The idea that he/she should have some TPIC in their back pocket is simply conventional wisdom. No more, no less. It's a very, very good idea to get that box checked no matter what. Is it important enough to pass up a pretty good job with reasonable expectations of long term success? In this case, no. Take the JetBlue job in a heartbeat. It is better in every respect than a job at CHQ. I gave a serious comparison to a serious question, but the choice is a nobrainer IMO.

BTW, I took no offense at all to your comment. I knew what you were saying and this isn't a rebuttal. The very idea that someone would seriously consider staying at CHQ instead of coming to JetBlue should be preposterous. The fact that it isn't is sad testimony to how far behind the other major airlines we are in total compensation. D&D are you listening?
If you want to work for a major or a top cargo carrier than I would go to CHQ. PIC time, plus a sponsor, is what you need at FedEx/UPS/SWA. Although your QOL could be better at Jetblue you will not get your PIC time soon. If you are not looking to get on with a major then come to Jetblue. Its not a bad place to work but like others have said if you arent a senior bus captain or a blue juice drinker then you understand Jetblue is just a temporary job, not a career.
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Didn't I read that CHQ/REP/S.AMERCA are going to hire 1,000 pilots within a year?


They aren't hiring them, they are creating them from test tubes.
wait for it...
wait for it...
wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit...

Shouldn't this be on the Regionals board?
good post, I'd just change the last few words from "wrong call" to "made a desision based on given info however luck wasn't on their side". In the end its just a matter of luck in this bizz.
Yeppers, Im living proof of that....Never did I think I would wind up in the situation Im in....But, I made decisions based on the facts that were on the table at THAT time....Im convinced something good will happen to offset....

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