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Perhaps get the IFR 135 mins and get a job flying freight first. Fly for there for a while and get some "real world" experience then go on to something else. (IMC, Night, Ice, etc...) Some of the most fun flying you may ever do.
Agreed with above. Im gonna do 135 freight before anything. As they say on this forum if you can do 135 night freight noone will question your abilities.
Go get your CFI so you will know how the captian you are about to scare the fire out of feels like......:laugh:
Come on guys. This guy is just trying to do what we're all trying to do: move up the career ladder as fast as possible. Give him a break. If he gets a job great. If he doesn't, he doesn't have enough time. The hiring boards will make that decision for you.
Hats off to you NRHPilot. 135 is the best and you stand out in the interview when you have it on your resume. I didn't rush going to the regionals...I wanted to do 135 and it was by far the most fun I've ever had in an airplane.

I'm not going to lie though a lot of the time the equipment wasn't the best but I made it. Some of the stories I tell my friends about that job they dont' even believe...but tell one in the interview and one of the pilots will smile, because they'll remember a day when something similar happened to them flying 135.

Best of Luck man...keep up the good work.

P.S. after 135 I interviewed at 3 companies and got every job, I think it was because of my 135 time.
part 135

The best way to cram 5 years of experience into 1 is to fly 135 overnight freight. Doing it right now, I'm still trying to decide if it's the best thing I could be doing as a young pilot or the dumbest!

It is pretty boring flying the same route every night, but the emergencies and unexpected that seem to pop up about every other week keep it interesting.
Monday night was a total electrical loss. Well not total, the battery was still at 7 volts. The only thing that worked was the GPS. I was in the clouds, but was able to call FSS on my cell phone and get a report for the nearest airports weather condition and it was VFR, so all worked out well. Thank goodness someone at garmin was thinking and designed them to work on very little battery power.

Anyway, you know that feeling of ""wow" I really learned a lot after my first couple hundred hours of teaching, well it starts all over again after your first couple hundred hrs of freight.

I see this guy has neither of these experiences, I don't think I would put my family in a plane that he was in charge of in anything except VFR!

Go get some experience.
Shocker said:
Hey guys, I was just wondering who would be my best options to go to for a regional job, being as they most suck anyway, all I want is the best pay with a quick upgrade, or any combination of the two. I have almost 700 TT with 250 ME/Turbine. Thanks!

Not all regional jobs "suck." You probably won't find a carrier that has both of what you are looking for - that is...best pay AND quick upgrade. Best pay and benefits? Horizon or XJT right now. Quickest upgrade? Colgan, *************************s, Great Lakes, and maybe Republic. Remember, even if you were hired today at a place that had a 1 year upgrade...you most likely wouldn't be able to upgrade 1 year from today as it takes 2 months to get trained and in the subsequent 10 months you most likely wouldn't fly the 800 hard block hours necessary for you to get that little thing called an ATP that is necessary to be a 121 PIC. Slow down...relax...get some experience any way you can but it isn't all about the fastest upgrade. Heck, you aren't even qualified to do 135 PIC for freight right now. Keep building time and if you get a lucky break, consider it just that - a lucky break. Good luck and fly safe.


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