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Regionals hiring frac guys?

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If your wife (like mine god bless her) can support you and you have a young child at home (like me), then sit back and enjoy the unemployment benefits until they run out, treasure the chance to spend time with you child that you'll NEVER GET BACK. If you happen to live in a domicile for a regional, MAYBE. Otherwise, stay the hell away. The pittance you'll earn is not worth what you'll pay in child care, crash pad, meals, etc. Not to mention all the time away from your family.

I understand getting nervous, wondering how long the furlough will last. I have my days as well. However, 6 months into a furlough I have:
-Spent every night in my own bed
-Haven't been sick (cold/flu/food poisoning) once. -I swear I pick up more freaking germs flying jets around and sleeping in hotels
-Spent EVERY holiday at home- priceless with a 7 year-old
-Take my kid to school every day, enjoying the company of the countless hot-moms.
-Gotten my money's worth out of my mountain bike and my ski-pass.
The list goes on and on...I may look back on this time as some of the best in my life.

Now don't get me wrong...I'll be glad when I get the call to come back to work, but I'm sure as $hit enjoying the time at home-collecting unemployment- while I can. And if the unemployment runs out and I'm still not back? I'll find a regular-joe office job or work part-time at something I enjoy, not selling my soul (and my family) to some regional outfit.
When NJA recalls

I wouldn't count on that happening. No guarantees that NJA will come out of this. Checked out what's going on with the stock market lately (another rapid decline) and the fact that this country is out of money? There isn't as close to as much wealth out there as there was 2-3 years ago. Going to be very very tough for NJA to expand its business over the next few years.

I agree though about not taking a regional job. Enjoy the time with the family.
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Glad to see a thread stay on topic for 24 hours. I've been in a non-flying job since the furlough and expect to feel a strong need to scratch the flying itch soon. I went from the 135 world to fracs without a stop at the regionals, so no bad will anyplace. But I understand that some regionals will not look at frac guys, expecting them to jump back into the Citation X at the first opportunity.

Of course, every company has so many resumes now they don't have to interview anyone with any kind of baggage.
I wouldn't count on that happening. No guarantees that NJA will come out of this. Checked out what's going on with the stock market lately (another rapid decline) and the fact that this country is out of money? There isn't as close to as much wealth out there as there was 2-3 years ago. Going to be very very tough for NJA to expand its business over the next few years.

I agree though about not taking a regional job. Enjoy the time with the family.

Oh, I'm confident I'll get a recall, but I think my kid will be in school by the time it comes. He's 16 months now....:laugh:
Oh, I'm confident I'll get a recall, but I think my kid will be in school by the time it comes. He's 16 months now....:laugh:

I hear ya. My wife and I are talking about having kids here now so I can stay at home and raise them over the next 5 years while she works. Luckily, she has a great job or we'd be screwed.
How is it better? Unless your completely single with no kids, maybe it is feasible...But UI definitely pays better for the next 1/2 year..Plus the associated costs of crashpads etc.... Unless you lived in base then I could see doing it.

That's easy. The best way to get a flying job is to have a flying job.

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