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Regionals hiring frac guys?

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2009
Anyone know what the policy/opinion is at regionals about hiring furloughed fractional guys?
Haven't heard of any NJA guys getting on. One had an AWAC interview and got turned down. Everyone else I've been talking with that's applied got the "thanks but no thanks" email. I applied and got nothing, but have been having computer issues. I don't think my resume went with the app. I don't think anyone ever heard back from Colgan, and I don't know of anyone that's applied to Eagle. So far it seems Colgan and AWAC don't want anything to do with us.
Why would you want to work at a regional? All i have heard for the past 4 years was how fantastic Netjets was, how I am such a fool for not applying, how they probably wouldn't want a lowly regional guy, and how you are set for life.

I think it is beneath you to apply at a regional. I wouldn't do it.
Why would you want to work at a regional? All i have heard for the past 4 years was how fantastic Netjets was, how I am such a fool for not applying, how they probably wouldn't want a lowly regional guy, and how you are set for life.

I think it is beneath you to apply at a regional. I wouldn't do it.

Most of the fracs have furloughed. It's better than being jobless.
Most of the fracs have furloughed. It's better than being jobless.

How is it better? Unless your completely single with no kids, maybe it is feasible...But UI definitely pays better for the next 1/2 year..Plus the associated costs of crashpads etc.... Unless you lived in base then I could see doing it.
Two words..... "health insurance". Unemployment definitely pays better than first year regional pay, but it doesn't last forever. COBRA payments for a family are north of a grand a month. There isn't much hiring going on for any kind of work, and most of us aren't competitive for your average office job.

There are also plenty of us with little to no turbine PIC time so getting picked up by Allegiant or Air Tran is going to be difficult. Makes for a tough spot to be in.
Two words..... "health insurance". Unemployment definitely pays better than first year regional pay, but it doesn't last forever. COBRA payments for a family are north of a grand a month. There isn't much hiring going on for any kind of work, and most of us aren't competitive for your average office job.

There are also plenty of us with little to no turbine PIC time so getting picked up by Allegiant or Air Tran is going to be difficult. Makes for a tough spot to be in.

Any chance of looking overseas? I have been at this gig for over a year and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I can't think of any regional airline worth your time, seriously. I understand "any port in a storm" but you need look elsewhere. All the best...
Most of the fracs have furloughed. It's better than being jobless.

I see it this way.
You're dating a psycho chick, she's crazy and you sleep with one eye open because you don't trust her. But for some reason you just can't leave her.

Then one night you meet a new girl. She's a good girl, really good looking and couldn't be more perfect. But then she leaves you for another guy, your father.

Now you go back to that psycho chick and this time you can't leave her. Now you marry her, have 6 kids and buy a double wide together. You will spend of the rest of your life with her, looking at other women, wondering what she looks like naked. Then you look over your shoulder and see you psycho wife with a cigarette hanging out of the corner of her mouth, while she digs the underwear out of her crotch.
Any chance of looking overseas? I have been at this gig for over a year and I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I can't think of any regional airline worth your time, seriously. I understand "any port in a storm" but you need look elsewhere. All the best...

Nah. I've got a one year old and discovered long ago that my boy was way more important than flying airplanes. My wife makes enough to support us and provide insurance until I find something workable. It's going to keep us from buying the house we want and we don't get to do much entertainment wise, but our kid will be better off for it.

When NJA recalls I figure my kid will have no use for his daddy by then and we'll be able to rebuild the finances to what we were striving for before the furlough.

Overseas is a good idea for a lot of folks though!
I'm a furloughed fractional guy. Prior to making that, one of the dumbest decisions of my life, I was at a regional for 10 years. Somewhere on here I'm sure you could find my old posts defending how it's perfectly OK and maybe a good move for some one to stay at a regional. You can also see how blatantly rude and lofty the response from the fractional world was. If it were me hiring at the regional, I wouldn't touch a single one of us considering the extreme attitude and arrogance of the past. I'd look to the CFI who thinks he won the lottery sitting up in that Saab cockpit, vs. the guy who will spend all day talking about how much better it was over at nutjets. Reality.

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