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Regional/Commtuer Capt. DOH?

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Paul McCartney said:
I never wanted to work with scab aholes like yourself. The only reason I took a job at Coex was because I had/have no desire to fly for CAL. See you in hell.

Sorry for the thread drift.

Wow, Paul, that was an intelligent, adult, coherent and well thought out response you gave right there! Very nice!

Called me a scab. Ouch. How do you figure that? Is XJT or CAL on strike? Noo, that was back in 1983 thru 1985... pretty sure I was in junior high back then. Nope, I'm not a scab, I hired on in '97.

You might consider me an a$$hole, that's fine, but I just felt like your initial comment about mainline flowbacks that started this was a bit off base. The flow through is in the contract, like it or not, that's the way it works. Pilots flow up, pilots flow down. If you're so pissed about it maybe you should go to work somewhere that doesn't have a flow through provision in the contract.

And now, I'm done before Mr. LearLove smacks me silly with that big hand thru the screen...
wow...commuter pay scales!

30-36 Seat Turboprop Aircraft with a 10/30/2000 hire date should put this individual at the 2-3year Capt. scale. Thats $41.19/hr. On 5/01/03 his rate on the same 2-3year Capt. scale goes to $42.01/hr.

By the time you put that in a 75 hour minimum pay scenario...that comes out to 36K a year. I got that pay the second year of flying caravans and I sleep in my own bed EVERY night with weekends off.

A friend of mine said his brother is awating an ATA ground school and they won't let him leave Chicago Express because nobody has the cajones to make the upgrade from SAAB 340 FO to captain...what the fug is up wit dat....?

If I didn't have a pretty much a three day weekend guaranteed and a 10 day work month...I'd make an offer to be a "STREET CAPTAIN". Whatever that means? STREET CAPTAIN...hehehehehehe, El Capitano of the STREETS.
"By the time you put that in a 75 hour minimum pay scenario...that comes out to 36K a year. I got that pay the second year of flying caravans and I sleep in my own bed EVERY night with weekends off. "


"If I didn't have a pretty much a three day weekend guaranteed and a 10 day work month...I'd make an offer to be a "STREET CAPTAIN". "

Yeah just call them up and make the offer, some people say the not so smartest things around here. Let us know what they say (or how loud they laugh at you) if you decide to do this.

Better yet, maybe we should call jetblue or Fedex and tell them we're available, gee why didn't we think of this along time ago?

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