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Regional/Commtuer Capt. DOH?

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2001
Hey guys just the sake of having the info I'd like to get an idea of the most junior DOH of capts. at the regionals and associated pay rate (it dosent have to be exact to the day just ballpark month and dollar value. For example Allegheny would be as follows:

Junior capt DOH: dec1998/jan1999 at a rate of 45 and hour. note before concesions this was 49-50/hour.

I if you could, at airlines with more than one type aircraft please break it down by aircraft, for example Mesa would look like:

Beech DOH/pay
Dash DOH/pay
CRJ700 DOH/pay

I'm looking for the following airlines, Thanks guys.

Eagle - thanks DBacks - and I thought it was bad at ALG
Air Wiss - thanks beer&brauts
Great Lakes - thanks Cardnal - sorry I forgot you guys
Coex - thanks Paul McCartney
Commutair - thanks NEDude
Skyway - thanks thunderchief
Big Sky
PSA - thanks BDTII
Shuttle America
Chit Taco - thanks dav8or
Cape Air (just year one thru five pay rate as everyone is PIC)
Mountain Air (F-27 capt only)
Air Net (lear capt only)

Again thanks guys.
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With Commutair it is a little misleading due to a major cutback in the summer of 2001. The most recent upgrade class, which is currently on IOE, has a DOH from 2/01 to 4/01. By June there will be captains with DOHs of 3/02 and 4/02, and by Aug there could be captains with DOHs of 1/03.

In your first year as a captain your pay is $30/hour with an 82.3 hour per month guarentee (76 hrs/bid - 13 bids per year). Pay increases $1 per year.
"I've never felt so accepted in all my life. These people looked deep within my soul and assigned me a number based on the order in which I joined. - Homer Simpson"

thats great - yeah, it dosen't ring any bells or anything does it?

Was that from the "stonecutter" episode? I love the part where he paints the building sky blue and the helo come and crashes into it. The hidden door on the highway was good too, a must for commuting in LGA.
Yeah, its from the stonecutter episode. And yes it does ring a bell, I felt it very appropriate for an aviation board.
Air Whiskey

These are all approx. Our seniority list doesn't list DOH, just order. The 328 will be gone in June so I didn't bother with it.
I can't even guess on the Bac jet (>6 yrs).

For the CRJ:
DEN 10/99 $64
ATL 6/00 $62
ORD 6/00 $62
Pay increases approx $2 for each year of longevity and $2 each August (month current contract became effective).

Denver will continue to be senior as there is little growth out west. We have about 12 ATL based captains who commute from DEN and maybe 3 ATL captains who live in ATL.
Here's the info for Eagle. I don't have time to look up the pay-rates, but this is the base seniority info. Keep in mind that these DOH's are the most JUNIOR captains at the base. None of these include the "flowbacks".

LAX ERJ: 7/1989
DFW CRJ: 3/1991
DFW ERJ: 5/1991
ORD ERJ: 10/1993
LGA ERJ: 11/1993
BOS ERJ: 4/1994
DFW SF3: 3/1998
MIA ATR: 4/1998
LAX SF3: 7/1998
SJU ATR: 4/1999

Interesting to note: Most junior DFW CRJ F/O is a 3/2000 hire!

Pretty sad state of affairs over here.
Midwest Connect

Formerly Skyway, next we'll be the prince symbol, but that's another story.

Most Junior B1900D Capt DOH is AUG 2000
3rd year CA pay is 33.51
Most Junior 328J Capt DOH is June or July 1999
5th year pay is 48.81

Management wants a 7% or more concession from those rates, ok whatever. Why don't you just kick me between the legs and get it over with.
Our PerDiem is abysmal, It's not really structured hourly and ends up being around 80cents an hour.

We also have about 3 months of cash left at the current bleed rate, I guess I shouldn't have let my CFI expire!:D

Paul McCartney said:
CalEx is almost as pathetic as Eagle in terms of being an FO forever. We only have 1 type, ERJ and most junior is 4/99 in EWR, about the same in IAH and CLE. It would be a lot lower if all these CAL flowbacks would go to the street where they belong instead of at the top of our seniority list.

Nice attitude, dork... let me guess, you were gung-ho on the flow through, couldn't wait to get that FO seat on the 737 after a coupla years. Yeaaa, we love the contractually agreed-to flow through! Can't wait to get to mainline!

Uh oh, downturn in the industry, what's that? Furloughs, whattaya mean? Dammit, I hate this contractually agreed-to flow through!

That seems to be the attitude I've heard on these boards from some EXJ types, when things were going well with lots of growth, the flow thru was a good thing... now, they hate it. Sorry guys, it's a cyclical industry, it can't always keep going up. If it makes you feel any better, you still have new jets coming and are still taking over mainline flying... so there's a warm, fuzzy feeling for ya.

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