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Reckless driving?

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It's a slippery slope...
Nov 9, 2003
Yes or No question to reckless driving conviction. I know I have to say yes.

10 years ago with my first car I went around a corner to fast and lost control of the car. I was 16 at the time and learned a big 'ol lesson. How do I explain that in the 4" they give you on an application?


"Fall 1996 - Reckless driving - I lost control of my car in a corner"

Yeah, I think I can get it in there. I am using a typewriter so I have to get creative.

I guess the other lesson learned is that snap oversteer on a car with a passive rear steer system is very humbling :p
Honestly, I doubt they will care about this too much. At least I would hope that they would judge a pilot by his skills and experience instead of what he did with a car at 16 years old.
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I learned my lesson on black ice with a 1 week old (to me) car. I went spinning down the on-ramp; the guy on the other side of the freeway went over the top. He didn't land on the mains. I don't know if he lived, either.
10 years? I only remember having to cough up a 4 year state DMV record for any job. I'm probably wrong(I'm sure I'll know for sure real soon) but didn't the NDR just look for DUIs and revocations? Especially if I were under 18 when it happened. It may not even be on your driving record anymore anyway. I know criminal things are supposed to get wiped off after the big 18. Probably wrong about that, too. Honest, she was pregnant when I met her.
Yeah, I understand it was so long ago...but the quest asked have you ever...soooo
Its only 4" shame on them I hear average for a male is 6 "
I have had to answer to the reckless driving question on several applications for part 121 pilot positions and was offered the job for each interview. Just write "reckless driving 1996." If someone judges you for a violation such as that 10 years ago than they aren't worth working for. What they are looking for is that you are straight forward and honest.

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