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Read Magazines

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MissKittyKat said:
My post was geared to low time pilots who are clueless! I suggest they read the article for a corporate pilot, it is very inspiringing, read the article, if you plan someday on landing a job with a Fortune 100 company.

Dont believe this garbage. 99% of the articles written by "Pro Pilot" are pure trash. The company profiles are a joke. Most good departments would kindly escort "Pro Pilot" to the door IMHO. I do like the occasional weather or Intl ops articles. The quality is solely dependent on the author.

Kitty Kat, you are a flight attendant. Do these articles have much to do about landing a F/A job at a F100 company??? -- if so post on that section maybe?...... because they have squat to do about landing a pilot job there.

jeeesh lady...give it a freakin' rest, will ya.
PP features all kinda great companies like that one a couple months ago that "provided pilots a loan in order to obtain a type rating" and "copilots should not expect to come in making $40,000". WTF? I 'd quote more specifically but I have already used that issue to line the cats litter box. Like the rest of you fellas said AIN and BCA are far better than reading how Clay Lacy feels about the t/o performance of the new Turbo Tampon 3000.
I have to agree, PP is decent, but BCA has always had better ac tests. Fred George has flown just about everything and is pretty damn objective. He's also a good guy, bumped into him a bunch of times in San Diego.
It doesn't matter what the cover title of the magazine is, the cover title can be "Go Fly a Kite" or Obnoxious pilots, the article is one that is interesting.

There are quite a number of pilots here, who don't post, but have made the decision to go to a Fortune 100 in the future. I feel the Nationwide article is good and gives the quality of life at this company.
Have a great day, Life is bittersweet. enjoy! and smile
Gulfstream 200 said:
Dont believe this garbage. 99% of the articles written by "Pro Pilot" are pure trash. The company profiles are a joke. Most good departments would kindly escort "Pro Pilot" to the door IMHO. I do like the occasional weather or Intl ops articles. The quality is solely dependent on the author.

Couldn't have said it better myself. It's a well known fact that Pro Pilot trades editorial space for advertising $$, which is why most of the articles are trash. I also know that Clay Lacy doesn't write a single sentence of his articles--they're all ghost written by editor at large Grant McLaren.
semperfido said:
B & C/A is a little better as well.
Was it just me, or did anyone else think that the proofreader/production editor needed to be fired after publication on the November B&CA issue? I just about started to write down all the typos and grammar slip-ups to forward on to the editor. I bet there were at least six or seven errors that I, (a fairly unedumacated fellow), noticed. That drives me crazy, to see typos and a lack of attention to detail in a supposed professional publication. Wasn't there a mag a couple of months ago with a cover picture of a new Gulfstream 150 with the nosegear missing? Ugh!

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