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Ram Air Freight Needs Pilots

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All our planes have the Apollo GX50, most with the Apollo external CDI. And the cards are updated every 28 days. All the approaches we do are basically ILS/LOC/LDA or GPS.

Have fun a Comair pushing RJ's man! You deserve it!!!
I won't have to fly through the icing and the thunderstorms anymore!!! well maybe I do, it's just that I'll have better ice protection and storm scope.

I've been at Ram since last August and it's been a great 7 months there...good people(well mostly) and great experience. After being there for a few months, you won't be afraid to fly through low IFR, fog, snow, or windy conditions. I'm still afraid of ICE and always will be. Won't even have ice in my Coke now.

Right now we are hurting for people cause everyone is leaving, and we prefer that you have low Multi-time, 15-25 hrs. that way you'll stay longer. Bidding for the runs is done on a 3 month basis and on seniority number. If you're outbased at city A, someone who's base is in city B with a higher seniority number cannot bid for your run in city A. Only people who is at the same base as you can outbid you. You can only bid for another base if someone from that base leaves. Hope I have not confused you.
ilkwamh2 said:
I won't have to fly through the icing and the thunderstorms anymore!!! well maybe I do, it's just that I'll have better ice protection and storm scope.

I've been at Ram since last August and it's been a great 7 months there...good people(well mostly) and great experience. After being there for a few months, you won't be afraid to fly through low IFR, fog, snow, or windy conditions. I'm still afraid of ICE and always will be. Won't even have ice in my Coke now.

Right now we are hurting for people cause everyone is leaving, and we prefer that you have low Multi-time, 15-25 hrs. that way you'll stay longer. Bidding for the runs is done on a 3 month basis and on seniority number. If you're outbased at city A, someone who's base is in city B with a higher seniority number cannot bid for your run in city A. Only people who is at the same base as you can outbid you. You can only bid for another base if someone from that base leaves. Hope I have not confused you.

Sad as it may seem, you probably had a better storm scope in the Baron than you will in the RJ:) The radar is a piece of sh...err, is sometimes less than optimal.

Welcome to Comair.

KingAirKiddo said:
Sad as it may seem, you probably had a better storm scope in the Baron than you will in the RJ:) The radar is a piece of sh...err, is sometimes less than optimal.

Welcome to Comair.


Unless freight has changed in the last few years, I doubt he had any radar at all in the Baron.
I was flying the Senecas and only one of them has a stormscope. I guess what I meant originally was that at least I would have a stormscope in the RJ.


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