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RAH BB an Undercover Boss

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Hey 79, yes, I forgot the "E." 5 legs, 1.5 hr drive, 4 beers and 218 in the am will do that to ya! Egg on my face on this one...cheers.
Hey 79, yes, I forgot the "E." 5 legs, 1.5 hr drive, 4 beers and 218 in the am will do that to ya! Egg on my face on this one...cheers.

Just goofing with ya! Cheers to you.
Sounds like you guys are learning the pleasures of being employed by His Most Holy Bryan Bedford.

No offense, but I hear that a lot from RAH/IBT guys.

"Wait until you have to deal with Bedford, or Hellar, or Osmundson, or..."

The truth of the matter is none of the above are particularly special, or unique in any way, shape or form.

Ask the jetblue guys, or airtran, or UAL, or CAL, or AA, or Alaska, or DAl, or NWA, or a even a few of the SWA guys that haven't had a frontal lobotomy.

Airline Management has a role to play, and while some play the role better than other, they are all the same.

Bedford and his crew are nothing special.

Again, don't take this the wrong way as it is not intended as an affront to any republic pilot, but I can see why the IBT wants everyone to believe that Hellar and the rest of them are superhuman-demons. How else could the IBT explain the fact that they get their arse handed to them on a regular basis. The IBT just can't get the job done.

Sorry for the thread drift but I just can't fathom the idea of contributing my union dues to the IBT. I am looking forward to the day when ALPA, IBT, and an Independent have their say in the impending Representation Drive.
Bedford is a card carrying fanatical fruitcake who seeks to force his fundamentalist vision on all those he can impose it on.
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I am looking forward to the day when ALPA, IBT, and an Independent have their say in the impending Representation Drive.

Should be interesting though indeed. Somebody did the math and you'll need all the F9 guys, all the ME and Lynx guys and a couple hundred of the RAH guys just to get the drive started. I didn't double check the person's math, seemed like an interesting prospect. It'll be close.

I personally think that management has already succeeded in segregating us. That the F9 guys will always see the OG RAH pilot group as a lower entity. It already seems from our perspective that you are receiving better treatment, but that could just be 5 years of reserve under our contract talking. I'm as beat down as a dog can get.
Should be interesting though indeed. Somebody did the math and you'll need all the F9 guys, all the ME and Lynx guys and a couple hundred of the RAH guys just to get the drive started. I didn't double check the person's math, seemed like an interesting prospect. It'll be close.

I personally think that management has already succeeded in segregating us. That the F9 guys will always see the OG RAH pilot group as a lower entity. It already seems from our perspective that you are receiving better treatment, but that could just be 5 years of reserve under our contract talking. I'm as beat down as a dog can get.

There are several people "doing the math" and 199 RAH guys is not an accurate number. It is not even close, but that really doesn't matter.

I have witnessed several union drives, all of which have included the IBT in some fashion. Their tactics are very predictable, but that really doesn't matter either.

Here is the thing that everyone stuck in this quagmire needs to realize, and quickly.

If we all end up IBT, then we are all stuck with the same total POS contract that you gents have today. There will be a few MINOR changes to accommodate the airbus, but there will be an amalgamated CBA that is going to be based upon the Chautauqua 2003 POS CBA.

The pilots currently flying under the Chautuaqua CBA will get nothing in return, and the pilots flying under the current FAPA CBA will get hammered.

Then the IBT will need to restart negotiations from scratch because they have been sitting on their arses for years doing nothing with regard to the Section 6 negotiations. Had the IBT been negotiating the entire time, and hammered out some TA's or possibly even ratified a new CBA we could at least be working off of a relatively new sheet of music. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

RJET management is completely wetting themselves at the notion of the IBT prevailing in a union drive. The Company has already established the fact that they can do whatever, whenever they want.

VERY Very important part starts now......

Where do you want to start negotiations? Using your POS 2003 CBA as the baseline or using our CBA amended in 2009 with pay raises going out until the amendable date?

Whose scheduling section should we begin to negotiate from? Chautauqua or F9?

Retirement? How much does your DC plan pay? I get 6% on top of the 5% 401k match. Do you think you will be able to secure 10+% in retirement benefits immediately if we start with your CBA (hint, your current CBA doesn't even have a section titled "Retirement"). I realize that you get a company match on your 401k but the total package is less than half that of F9.

I think you get my point. I don't care what the "Union" is called when all is said and done. What I do care about is work rules and pay. Period. You have none of the above and we do.

If IBT prevails we are stuck with the IBT CBA.

If FAPA prevails we are stuck with the FAPA CBA.

If a third party prevails we are stuck in status quo and start with a clean sheet.

Anything is better than IBT prevailing. There is no excuse to give any support to a cause that will extend an already poor CBA.

I have said this a number of times but it bears repeating, I do not imply any negative tone towards the pilots flying under the IBT CBA.

This is just a logical, common sense decision. If you enjoy your current QOL, pay, and benefits under the current IBT CBA then you should vote for the IBT.

If you think that you would be better off starting from scratch or using another more mature CBA as the baseline then you should not vote for the IBT.

In the simplest terms, the current IBT members will get nothing if the IBT prevails except a continuation of the 2003 contract and an inferior baseline for future negotiations. If ANYONE else prevails the current IBT members will receive the benefit of negotiating from an enhanced position based upon the other CBA's in play.

Lastly, Hellar and Bedford and Oz and FH want this to eventually be an IBT shop. What does that tell you about the effectiveness of the IBT?

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