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Put up or Shut up!

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Active member
Mar 19, 2003
Since Mesa signed its new contract several members on this web board have expressed their discontent with Mesa pilots. Some of the arguments against them range from the absurd to the intellectually incapacitated. I would encourage those of you that are banning Mesa pilots from your jump seat to post your name, hire date and company name so that Mesa pilots will know you for who you really are. You ask, what are you? You are inconsiderate, uneducated individual that have no clue what you are talking about. Amazing the arrogance of some of you, so let's see Whiskey Driver, Captjim, Mckpickle, DarnNearJet, Ace, Asarjfo, CRJDriver and Terryhfly post your names for the Mesa boys.

PS. I don't work for Mesa!
I think it is pretty hypocritical for all of the people that are bashing those guys. From someone on the outside looking in I find it hard for anyone who doesn't work at Mesa to know what the thought train was for someone who does work there and voted yes. It is easy to set there in your glass houses and throw stones at the other guy. However, not so easy for the pilot who is trying to feed his wife and kids and is just trying to make it. Sure they could have went on strike or held out for more. Mesa could have also said to hell with them and put them all out on the street ( I think they have already proved they don't have a problem doing that ). While it may suck that they seem to have gotten the shaft, at least they are still flying and they are still bringing home some sort of pay check. The logic that they have somehow single handedly brought down the industry is preposterous. I guess with that thinking CFIs should go on strike for higher pay because they aren't making enough as it is.
A good example of my point is the pilots making those salaries in 150K+ range that thought they were to valuable to take a pay cut. Now a lot of those guys are on the street and don't even have that tiny pay check that the Mesa guy is bringing home. Bottom line is that it is a business. They are suppose to make money. Maybe if more people were willing to come down out of the ivory tower, sell the Yacht, let the nanny go and take a cute in their huge salary then some of the Airlines could at least tread water. The average tax payer doesn't want to have anything to do with the government bailing out the airline industry when they think that everyone there is getting paid far more than they should.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to be a 747 captain and make a huge amount of money as I am sure everyone would. I do however have a prospective that you sometimes have to give to get and even have to take what you can get when you can get it. Keep this in mind if you are currently holding one of those coveted flying jobs that are so few today. There are a lot of hungry pilots out there that would jump at the chance to grab your job if you don't want it. As long as there are more pilots than jobs you will not have the upper hand.

No this isn't flame bait. I am just one man with an opinion.
I have read all the Mesa (actually anti- Mesa TA) posts with quite a bit interest. I agree that the TA (I guess contract now) is an absolute piece of sh!t... but...But...BUT... to make/take the stance regarding jumpseat denials is utter B.S.

If anyone denies a Mesa pilot a jumpseat because of the ratification of this ALPA contract... it proves that individual making the denial has not yet "graduated" to the ranks of professional airline pilot... and adult...period.

To make a statement on a bulletin board is one thing... to actually do it... come on... you have to be kidding me.....right?!

It is apparent that you have little to know regional experience. I think you should wait untill you have been in the business before you call other pilots out on their opinions. Yes, their were some good things that came out of the TA. Like the death of Freedom and the scope clause. These are all wins for the Mesa pilots, although scope really hasn't been doing well. However they did little to bring the standard of living in the regionals up. Infact the 70 seat captain will make less then the 50 seat captain at ACA starting in May. ACA, Comair, Air Whiskey, Skywest, and ASA have been leading the way to help regional pilots be able to pay their bills. Many of those pilots feel that Mesa has ruined everything they have fought hard to achieve. We are not talking about guys who make 150k a year; we are talking about highly educated, highly skilled pilots who make less then a bag thrower for United. It has become very clear that getting to a regional, upgrading, then moving on to a major in 3 or 4 years is not going to happen. For this reason regional pilots must fight for a better standard of living. It is very clear that Mesa pilots did not do anything to improve this or even bring it to industry standard.

The loosers of this TA are:
-Mesa pilots
-Regional Pilots
-Mesa families
-Management at regionals that have had good relations with their pilots and have let their pilots set the standard for pay. O yah and still have hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank. ACA pilots I hope you get your friends back soon.
-Everyone who hopes to fly for a major. As long as RJ economics make so much sense. Why fly the heavy crap.
-Freedom pilots
-Airline passengers
-Major airline pilots

The winners are:
-Any major looking to make a quick buck

C150Heavy please do not think that you will be able to brown nose a job at Mesa by posting crap like above. Unless of course you think making 24,000 your second year at a regional sounds cool.

I didn't feel I should make a new thread for this one, but it kinda belongs here.......

My friends and I were depending on Mesa's (I said Mesa, not the pilots of Mesa, but Mesa) LACK of on-time performance to get them to Cincinnati and they pulled through for us. Their Mesa flight was running late so they were able to make their connection onto Mesa and get to Cincinnati in time for something.

Thanks again Mesa!!!

David Williams
Comair Airlines
C150 heavy,

For your own sake, don't even think about posting YOUR NAME over this forum. Otherwise, your future in the airlines (if that's where you're headed) could get a very bad start.

You may have had some points. But to start barking at other pilots, even if you don't disagree with them is always a bad idea. Try a little more diplomatic approach next time.

Just a humble suggestion.....
CaptDave said:

I didn't feel I should make a new thread for this one, but it kinda belongs here.......

My friends and I were depending on Mesa's (I said Mesa, not the pilots of Mesa, but Mesa) LACK of on-time performance to get them to Cincinnati and they pulled through for us. Their Mesa flight was running late so they were able to make their connection onto Mesa and get to Cincinnati in time for something.

Thanks again Mesa!!!

David Williams
Comair Airlines

Dave, I forgot that Comair has never had a late flight. As you are happy that Mesa was late, I was really pissed as I had to sit in the airport for three hours as my Comair flight was late and then canceled. At least the Mesa flight took off! -Bean

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