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Put up or Shut up!

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cocknbull said:

It is apparent that you have little to know regional experience. I think you should wait untill you have been in the business before you call other pilots out on their opinions. Yes, their were some good things that came out of the TA. Like the death of Freedom and the scope clause. These are all wins for the Mesa pilots, although scope really hasn't been doing well. However they did little to bring the standard of living in the regionals up. Infact the 70 seat captain will make less then the 50 seat captain at ACA starting in May. ACA, Comair, Air Whiskey, Skywest, and ASA have been leading the way to help regional pilots be able to pay their bills. Many of those pilots feel that Mesa has ruined everything they have fought hard to achieve. We are not talking about guys who make 150k a year; we are talking about highly educated, highly skilled pilots who make less then a bag thrower for United. It has become very clear that getting to a regional, upgrading, then moving on to a major in 3 or 4 years is not going to happen. For this reason regional pilots must fight for a better standard of living. It is very clear that Mesa pilots did not do anything to improve this or even bring it to industry standard.

The loosers of this TA are:
-Mesa pilots
-Regional Pilots
-Mesa families
-Management at regionals that have had good relations with their pilots and have let their pilots set the standard for pay. O yah and still have hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank. ACA pilots I hope you get your friends back soon.
-Everyone who hopes to fly for a major. As long as RJ economics make so much sense. Why fly the heavy crap.
-Freedom pilots
-Airline passengers
-Major airline pilots

The winners are:
-Any major looking to make a quick buck

C150Heavy please do not think that you will be able to brown nose a job at Mesa by posting crap like above. Unless of course you think making 24,000 your second year at a regional sounds cool.

This is all comming from the same person the private messaged me to find out how to best send your resume to Chautauqua Airlines? I'm confused.... Who or what do you work for?
Thanks for the quick PM. I have a friend furloughed from a major who needs work. I tried to get him on were I work however they don't like to hire furloughed pilots. Also what does Chautauqua and Mesa's TA have to do with one another. From what I understand Chautauqua has their own battle starting to brew. I wish you guys the best of luck.

PilotRon if you wanted to know what I do, and why I care if Chautauqua is hiring; ask me personally. You look dumb calling people out without any facts in front of other people. I would have gladly PM'd you this info. However I guess it is know clear to everyone who has read this thread that nothing told to you in private will stay that way.

looser is an adjective, I think you meant loser

their and there are not the same word,

know and no are different also

C150 didn't seem to be defending the new contract, just pointing out how immature it is to refuse a jumpseat to a fellow ALPA member.
To CocknB.S.

Funny how CocknB.S. calls me out and then we find out that he doesn’t know CRAP. The problem in this industry is everyone thinks we (pilots) are brothers. That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
*** If we are brothers, then why did Alpa convince USAir to have the toughest scope clause in the industry and then turn around and let Delta and United have the weakest? I'll tell you why.... Alpa IS Delta and United and they want USAir to fold.
***If we are brothers, then why doesn't Comair hire the furlough Delta guys? I'll tell you why.... training expense, no flow through agreement, Delta wants to hire military pilots over civilian pilots and Delta’s management doesn’t want it.
*** If we are brothers, then why did Mesa start flying USAir Metro Jet and Express Jets routes? I mean, we ARE ALL BROTHERS……. MESA MEC should have told JO NO, “Those furlough USAir pilots are our brothers and we can’t take their routes”.
***Who do you think makes up Freedom? It’s furlough USAir pilots.

This is a new industry, it’s more cut throat than ever. You can either play what you have and wait for a better day or you can die. Mesa pilots decide to play another day, just like USAir, Northwest and a whole lot more. I hope you find your dream job but I hope it’s not in the commercial airline industry. We don’t need more low mentality; kiss Alpa time pilots like you.

My point is we are not brothers and this notion that we should look out for the other guy went it comes to contracts is absurd, but we should conduct ourselves in a professional manner at WORK. That means, we should have a common courtesy of letting other pilots, weather they are freedom, Mesa, Comair, ASA, ATA or those scabs from Continental have a jump seat.

If you or anyone else works for one of the above companies and can prove my information is wrong, then let me have it. I know my information is right because I’ve been on the USAir website and Alpa website every day for the last 4 months!

Don't drag me into this argument. Make sure you have you board names right before you start pointing fingers. When did I ever post anything about this MESA mess? :eek:

CRJDriver - SkyWest Lifer :D
I think its funny how this board has degraded into peoples personal attacks on each other or another airline. It seems everyone with 1500 hrs in a 152 or duchess has an opinion on what a piece of crap everyone else in this industry is. This thing is just getting down right stupid now. It also blows me away how everyone who has worked at a regional in the right seat for a year or two is now a expert on airline econ. You guys are all tards. So bring it folks...
Eddie, thank you for pointing out my typos. After rereading my posts a can see I misused even more words then you pointed out. I can see C150Heavy's point, and I agree about the jumpseat. However he made very combative statements.

C150 Heavy (quote)
"Since Mesa signed its new contract several members on this web board have expressed their discontent with Mesa pilots. Some of the arguments against them range from the absurd to the intellectually incapacitated. I would encourage those of you that are banning Mesa pilots from your jump seat to post your name, hire date and company name so that Mesa pilots will know you for who you really are. You ask, what are you? You are inconsiderate, uneducated individual that have no clue what you are talking about. Amazing the arrogance of some of you, so let's see Whiskey Driver, Captjim, Mckpickle, DarnNearJet, Ace, Asarjfo, CRJDriver and Terryhfly post your names for the Mesa boys."

Second Post
"We don’t need more low mentality; kiss Alpa time pilots like you"

I simply wanted to point out that he might want to rethink it, when he posts something like that. I would say there are alot of ALPA members on this board.

C150Heavy (Quote)
"We don’t need more low mentality; kiss Alpa time pilots like you"

The funny thing about your statement is I work for two Republican Congressman and I was the president of my university's chapter of the College Republicans. So if you think I kiss unions @ss, your dead wrong. However, Pilots are not your average labor group. We should be represented as a group!! To be a complete right wing pro management person is to have your head up your @ss just like being a radical ALPA member. I think you will find that I have no problem with Mesa pilots. I, like many others, feel that their contract let the industry down. As a result there are going to be many pilots who are upset with Mesa pilots for not holding out. I think they not only have a right to do that, but they should. Even over 100 Mesa pilots feel that this new contract is not in their best interest. If I may give you a humble suggestion. If you are trying to pursaude people to do something you should ask them in a gentlemanly fashion. If you come right out and blow up at them the only thing you will get in return is alot of yelling. Also if you go to an interview with an ALPA airline do not let them know how anti ALPA you are.

Wait a minute since you want others to post there names. Why don't you post your name so everyone on this board can blackball you from ALPA airlines since you have made it clear that anyone who enjoys the protection ALPA is of "low mentality."

<You ask, what are you? You are inconsiderate, uneducated individual that have no clue what you are talking about.>


I see that you are a MEI, that's great. We all had to start somewhere. Your next step (maybe, I don't know what you are planning to do) is getting a job flying for a regional airline. Say you get hired at XYZ things are good until that company go under because you were underbid by ABC airlines. That SUCKS. You then get hired at a respected national airline and things are GREAT. Along comes Mesa airlines that signs a contract way below what your own company worked hard to get. Two days after they sign the contract your management troughs the Mesa contract in your face saying that we have to lower our costs to compete. I bet a million dollars (that I don't have) that would piss you off. After you go through this or have some experience with the airlines I will respect what you have to say. YOU need to know what you are talking about. There is a big difference between flight instruction and airline flying. Now, if I have got you all wrong I do apologize.

Am I happy that Mesa agreed to this contract? No. I don’t work for Mesa so I don’t know the whole story but I have read the contract. Do I want to start a jumpseat war? NO. Will I take a Mesa pilot jumpseater? The pilots that voted no, YES. The others would have to explain why they voted yes. I would say my peace and off we would go (jumpseater included).

Did you say this? I believe so.

"You moron, the leverage is, SHUT THE MOTHER FUKER DOWN, but you guys were to afraid. Have fun in the right seat of the RJ for the next 10 years".

Look, Terry you made my point. Everyone on this board or in this industry needs to focus on their own situation and stop blaming others. There is a new breed of pilots who have gotten into the industry who are 28+ years old. We have experienced budget cuts, layoffs, decreases in pay and a lot of other unfortunate circumstances. So for someone to point out that because I only have 1600+ hours and I don't have a regional job, then I can't have an intelligent opinion about the jump seat issue or someone posting an ignorant statement is arrogant.


You and everyone else I called out at the top said you wouldn't give a Mesa pilot a jump seat. That to me means you’re a toe the line union soldier.
Jumpseat denial

I know this is a whole other thread but it will fit in here as well.

Are all of you that plan on limiting the jumpseat to those at Mesa who voted no aware of the fact that there are going to be over 200 pilots that didn't get a chance to vote. Yes, those of us at CCair (now MESA pilots) may need a ride to work sometime in the near future. What do you say to all of us? We held the line and were shut down and now are part of MAG. Can I ride or since I can't prove I voted no count against me?

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