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PSA offered 900's

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Sig said:
Hey, we don't want 'em! But for the umpteenth trillionth time, THAT's exactly what happened with you guys! You were flying relatively new-to-property Dorks, and whizzbang presto, you got the jets. It has happened before, so don't count it out just because it's a bad idea. How do you think we'd feel if AWAC dusted off their DHC8 cert to play ball for some -400s?

Sorry Sig company have already approached us for a 70 seat T/P rate. We told them we already have it - it's the 70 seat jet rate, and when they asked for a 90 seat rate we told them again we have that - it's the 146 rate. So I guess niether will come our way as they don't want to pay the pilots some where close to what they should be paid.
Why a "NO" vote is in Order......

http://www.aviationnews.net/images/logos/nopic.gif A union official representing the US Airways flight attendants yesterday blasted the carrier's management team for excercising over eight million dollars in stock options.

"US Airways flight attendants gave over $150 million in contract concessions, including termination of our pensions, in order for the airline to survive and be a partner in the merger," said Mike Flores, US Airways Master Executive Council President. "For former America West executives, who absent the merger would likely be in bankruptcy court themselves, to now cash in pre-arranged merger created stock options and grants is just beyond obscene."
According to UBS Financial Services, Scott Kirby, US Airways Vice President of Sales and Marketing, cashed in a total of over $4 million, while Chief Administrative Officer Jeff McClelland made $2.2 million before tax. General Counsel Jim Walsh and Chief Financial Officer Derek Kerr made pre-tax earnings of $1.53 million and $1.1 million respectively. "If management's attitude at the bargaining table continues, predictions of a smooth merger will fall short," said Gary Richardson, America West Master Executive Council President. "Given the company's intransigence on simple matters so far, it is hard to see how an agreement could be reached by the company's target date."
Crzipilot said:
Sorry you Mesa Puke, but EVERYONE will have moral high ground against you guys. Even if the decision is made to take these airplanes, our capt rates by 10/1/07 will be HIGHER than your 900 rates. (Oh sorry, that's a 700/200 blend) And we will only have about 15 a/c at that point. In addition, we are in this position due to CRAP CONTRACT LIFT carriers such as Mesa. And the wet behind the ears Bastards that flocked over there to fly for them. Your product sucks (commute too much on them, couldn't tell if it was english your f/a was speaking during the demo, hell she couldn't even explain that they were late, and wanted everyone w/o a tight connection to stay seated so those that did could get off. It was horendous, You couldn't understand her gibberish english. Have witnessed numerous assinine speaches by your capts, and you look like ******************** through the terminals too, as well as the multitude of missconnects due to MTX or No Crew available on clear days. Seeing F/A's in UAL uniforms because they were plucked from overnights on UAL system, based in ORD to fly the US system. (And I will give them this, they were the only two I've seen that show any sense of professionalism, and did a dang good job considering they were working their 16th hour)
I don't ever want to hear about a moral high road from the likes of Mesa, That company is the likes of cockroaches which have been feeding off the bottom for years. I don't care that you've thrown out your MEC/Negotiating Comm. I don't care you have a contract up in 2 years. You should have done this 6 years ago. You should have researched what a crap place it was, and taken the Moral High Road and never went.

So untill your pilot group stops being the basis of the whipsaw, so many other carriers have been up against. We shouldn't hear a PEEP out of you.....

-rant off....

That is exactly how my Piedmont pilot friends feel about the PSA selfish pilots.

bottom feeders
The bottom line here is the pilots are going to vote whats best for them. Turning down growth is foolish in this buisness.
Ya, i will just tell my bank that i cannot pay the mortgage, but i fly a nice new CRJ 900!
Weasil said:
the problem with this comparison is that those other people go home 16 hours out of each "work day" (assuming 8 hr work day) whereas we spend the whole 24 hours away in a hotel someplace away from our families.
Weasil: Point taken. But I have two questions for you. 1) Is all that time away from home so bad that it is just tolerable enough to beatch about but not quit over? and 2) Are you obligated to stay at a job spending roughly 300 hours monthly away from home, on duty for roughly 175 hours monthly, and only paid for 72 hours? If you are going to use the arguement that you dont want a job sitting in an office 8 hours a day v. an office @ 30000 feet with a great view, then why complain at all?!? We only live once and if we are wasting all that time away from home in BFE not getting paid, is it really worth it? I for one know of a number of jobs where you get paid respectfully and dont sit in an office. So again I ask, why do pilots beatch about money when they are in complete control of what they do, know the pay going in to a flying position, and still choose to fly? Its time to make some grown up decisions folks...I did.
ex j-41 said:
Ya, i will just tell my bank that i cannot pay the mortgage, but i fly a nice new CRJ 900!

Ummmm if your pay stays the same then you are either able to pay the mortage or your not. Its not like your taking a paycut if you still make the exact same money. Sitting as an F/O for life isnt the best way to pay a mortage either. The only way you ever upgrade is via growth. If every airline just stopped growing it would take you ages to get to captain. Attrition only takes you so far.
We know the job includes being in BFE, and we know that we will be away from our families a lot of the time. I agree it it part of the job. And i expect to get paid for everything that is "Part of the Job".

This is why it is so hard to do 4 hr sits. Our time is wasted and we are not getting paid for the company wasting our time. Now i only finished grade 3 but to me that just not seem right.
ex j-41 said:
We know the job includes being in BFE, and we know that we will be away from our families a lot of the time. I agree it it part of the job. And i expect to get paid for everything that is "Part of the Job".

This is why it is so hard to do 4 hr sits. Our time is wasted and we are not getting paid for the company wasting our time. Now i only finished grade 3 but to me that just not seem right.

You are getting paid for it though. We are all salaried individuals. We will get paid whatever the guarantee is each month. Doesn't matter how little you work etc as long as you work what your scheduled you will get paid your salary. Anything over that should be considered extra however we all have a base salary.
Ummmm if your pay stays the same then you are either able to pay the mortage or your not. Its not like your taking a paycut if you still make the exact same money. Sitting as an F/O for life isnt the best way to pay a mortage either. The only way you ever upgrade is via growth. If every airline just stopped growing it would take you ages to get to captain. Attrition only takes you so far.

Yes i should have explained.....

I feel that flying the CRJ 900 with the current 200 rates (with a little 700 raise in there) is actually a pay cut.
I am doing more work. And not getting paid any more for it.
That is 20 more "Bu Bye's". And the airplane is bigger so the walk around will take longer. Not too mention i have to input Zone 4 in the FMS. We will have longer turnaround times. Thats more time on the ground not getting paid. Have you looked at your Orignating check lately? Dude by the time you take the van to the airport, go through security, load all your crap, start the APU, do the walkaround, Get the ATIS...., Do the Originating check, then the before start brief, then finish the paperwork/fms, Before start check, Call for push...............After 45 min of WORKING you finally start getting paid. Thats only IF you don't have an issue with the airplane. We are being taken advantage of severely.

All we ask is a fair wage for our services.

You are getting paid for it though. We are all salaried individuals. We will get paid whatever the guarantee is each month. Doesn't matter how little you work etc as long as you work what your scheduled you will get paid your salary. Anything over that should be considered extra however we all have a base salary.

Getting paid for 8 hrs while having a 54hr TAFB is not getting paid. I don't know how you could think otherwise.

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