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PSA offered 900's

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BenderGonzales said:
"...For better or worse, this industry is all about PIC turbine time. The additional aircraft will get you to the left seat faster and get you on with a mainline carrier sooner, getting a seniority number there sooner and improving your carreer earnings and QOL"

HAHAHAHA!!! Sorry... I couldn't help but to get a little chuckle out of that. Thousands of furloughed pilots nationwide and you're in a hurry to get hired at which "mainline"? Frontier? AirTran? Spirit?

Because, friend, Southwest and FedEx aren't going to be able to hire ALL of you -- and 1000 PIC ain't even close to competitive anymore for those guys.

Selling your soul for PIC turbine is no better than buying an $8000 type rating in the hopes that you'll get an interview (with continued hopes that you'll get hired).

It's an expensive lottery ticket.

You got to pay to play and hope springs eternal!

You have got to take your chances if you don't try you don't get. Things are slowly getting better. Continental, Frontier, AirTran, FedEx, JetBlue, Southwest are all hiring and United and US Airways will be exhausting their fulough lists in the next year or two. What can I say, when things begin to turn around, you've got to be ready.

I had a 23 year old girl in my jumpseat, spent one year at Mesa as an FO on the ERJ145, she is now an FO at Continental. Just goes to show, it can happen. Now where can I get that sex change?
If we can agree that's the best comment, then let 'er rip. The message is this: Don't rationalize the situation; if you have to do that then the deal probably stinks.

It sucks. What I see is yet another whipsaw, it's a tough situation, and I daresay PDT and PSA pilots are probably one beatdown away from just saying to heck with it. Things seem pretty bleak over there, and that's a ripe situation for management to exploit.

I can only imagine what it would be like if they wanted us to fly -400s, which every. single. Piedmont. pilot. would die for right now (the fleet plan makes us pull our hair out), then tell us no-go for mo' money or else they go to a contract carrier... it would be extremely hard. Contract up in 2009 for us, how about y'all?
jetfo's reasons 1-14 (or is it reason #8 that he omitted) because it would be good for me and all the rest of you guys should make it happen if for no other reason than that.

jetfo let me ask you a question:

Do you have to keep yelling at us?

Or is it just that whatever you say is so profound and important that you want to make sure that nobody misses it? Or possibly you need to have the bifocals checked.
Has anyone heard what our fearless leaders have to say about this? (alpa)
ex j-41 said:
I vote "NO", our pay rates are disgusting as they are. Flying a 90 seat a/c for less then other airlines flying airplanes half the size? No way.

We need to do 2 things....

1) Get more time to negotiate the rates.
2) PSA needs to show us some "Good Faith" ie: get scheduling to do their job properly and give us acceptable hotels, no industrial parks (All). No truck stops (Sleep inn). Our QOL is horrible.

When PSA management gives us these things then should we be OK in negotiating a 90 seat rate. Why should we sell our souls so they can make more profit?

I vote NO until we get a better QOL and hotels w/ food, bread and water would be better than waht we have!!!!!!!!!

This industry %&$#*@ sucks!
jetfo said:

This is an early and unexpected Christmas gift

Oh thank you so much Santa, yeah we are just soooo special and Tempe looOoOOOOooooOoooves us so much don't they?
Why then did they go to Air Wiskey first instead of the "darling" PSA? This deal in its current form blows.
US Airways will be exhausting it's furlough list in a year? Sure. Because we'll all be bypassing recall into the right seat of the E190!

Beyond that I still say you're gambling.
NCFlyer said:
jetfo's reasons 1-14 (or is it reason #8 that he omitted) because it would be good for me and all the rest of you guys should make it happen if for no other reason than that.

jetfo let me ask you a question:

Do you have to keep yelling at us?

Or is it just that whatever you say is so profound and important that you want to make sure that nobody misses it? Or possibly you need to have the bifocals checked.

Sorry, I am starting to be an old man and can't see anything. Maybe I should go to air traffic controllers school;-)

Maybe I am just so passionate (for lack of a better term) on this issue. I work with some of the greatest guys/girls that I have had the opportunity to fly with at PSA in my relatively long aviation career, and I would like to see some good things happen there, for their benefit not mine.

I guess I also believe that we can't change the path this industry has taken overnight and maybe ever. We should strive to improve it to the best of our ability, but to swim against the stream usually doesn't get you anywhere fast.

More and more domestic short and medium haul flying has shifted to the regionals. You are not going to reverse that anytime soon. Pay rates are down across the board and asking for something you can't get is pointless.

My main point is, for PSA or any carrier, get the airplanes and then work on getting the pay and work rules you want. Otherwise you have nothing to negotiate with or for.

If PSA declines the aircraft because they don't like the pay, not only are the aircraft going elsewhere, come time to renegotiate the contract, there will be no CRJ900s on the property to negotiate rates for.

I'll stop my sermon there, good luck you guys and take care!

NCFlyer said:
jetfo's reasons 1-14 (or is it reason #8 that he omitted) because it would be good for me and all the rest of you guys should make it happen if for no other reason than that.

By the way, you're right, for some reason I missed reason #8. Maybe it's like the 13th floor in some buildings, or maybe I'll come up with another excellent reason. Stand by for now:)
jetfo said:

My main point is, for PSA or any carrier, get the airplanes and then work on getting the pay and work rules you want. Otherwise you have nothing to negotiate with or for.

That's the point, Jet. Let's get a few things absolutely clear: Growth at a WO is a good thing! The past view that USAirways took regarding taking care of the neighbors while ignoring the family is not just hackneyed, it should be over. Another salient point is the fact that this is a rough, nasty and difficult situation to be in. I will grant out the fact that PSA is flying RJs that PDT negotiated, while you were flying a relatively new fleet, blah blah blah etc, ad nauseum. I'll forget it, I wasn't here, I have the numbers in my contract for larger JET flying pay, and you have the RJs. It's touchy, it's irrelevant.

But what will you have in the future regarding negotiating power? If you don't have it now, you won't have it in the future. That's the slippery slope I've been ranting about. If you DO have a future bargaining chip, I guarantee you have it right now as well, so play that hand and play it to the wall.

Are you willing to have the same atrocious QOL, same pay, same everything except a large increase in cattle you're hauling behind you? It's worth looking at and fighting over.

Again, if you agree that working the best possible deal is the best possible situation and you trust your MEC, then let 'er rip. Do as much as you can.

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