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PSA offered 900's

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PSA FOs would make less than $.50 per passenger if we agree to these 900 rates. That's sick. A vending machine placed in row one would earn more than a PSA FO. Think before you vote.
nethan said:
I don't think we can blame that one even on the senior pilots. They all voted no:)
The current pay scale was not voted in by the pilots, it was rejected in a vote. THe MEC installed this agreement in a midnight session under the threat that PDT had agreed to fly the planes for the money the company wanted to pay, and that all the planes would go there if the MEC did not agree to it.

Perhaps my memory is alittle fuzzy but that's how I remember it.
Why do all pilots continiously beatch about their pay? I can guarantee you that if every airline pilot went to work tomorrow and started making twice, or even three times what they are making today, they would still complain. And we moan if we only get 12 days off a month?!? Last time I checked, there were 8 weekend days in a month (give or take) that every other working stiff is happy with. Deregulation is the only reason the industry is in the condition it is in. Its going to take a long time for the airline industry to stabilize (if that is even possible) and I have news folks, It is NEVER going to be like it was in the good old days. Things change...so you better get used to it. The Delta pilots who have taken 60% pay cuts have realized this...and they will never see that kind of money again, or their retirement they all planned on or that matter. If it is that bad for the old timers, what possibly makes you think things will be any better for you? The way I see it, you have two choices: 1) Shut up and live with it, or 2) Quit. Oh, and if you think the union will help you out, well, think again. Why would they have even the least bit of interest in helping such a small group? You can count on the union for some free pizza once a year and thats about it. If I sound disgruntled or angry, Im not. As a matter of fact, I have never been in such a good frame of mind, which started about 2 weeks ago...just about the time I quit coincidently. Its funny too...In those 2 weeks, I already made as much money as I would have flying for the airlines for 2 months! Circling back to my original question, I guess I can see why pilots beatch so much...they are smart men and women, but have absolutely no common sense...I guess Id pi55 and moan too if I was not smart enough to make an obvious observation and act on it in my own best interest. Just my humble opinion...I do not mean to offend anyone, and if I did, I am truly sorry. See ya.
Sawmill said:
we moan if we only get 12 days off a month?!? Last time I checked, there were 8 weekend days in a month (give or take) that every other working stiff is happy with. .

the problem with this comparison is that those other people go home 16 hours out of each "work day" (assuming 8 hr work day) whereas we spend the whole 24 hours away in a hotel someplace away from our families.
Victor Meldrew said:
Jetfo, I have to admire your confidence, however you sound like you have "inside" sources and info. How certain are you that infact these will be growth aircraft - do you have a copy of the proposal?

Again I say it, Parker wants to cut back on the 50's, MESA is gone with the 50's, TSA have some and CHQ, like AWAC have binding contracts that mandate the use (in CHQ case 70's & 50's) for USAir in return for the money they pumped in.

PSA are a WO why not give the 90's to PSA and remove some of the excess 50 seaters? If I was Parker thats EXACTLY what I would do, kill two birds with one stone - less 50's more 90's - simple.

I posted the proposal in the Ops Co-ord office in the PSA (and PDT) Crew room in CLT.
khsgt said:
Everybody has been bashing us for years (rightfully so) and now let's see what kind of decision PSA makes...looks like they may not have any "moral high ground" anymore

Sorry you Mesa Puke, but EVERYONE will have moral high ground against you guys. Even if the decision is made to take these airplanes, our capt rates by 10/1/07 will be HIGHER than your 900 rates. (Oh sorry, that's a 700/200 blend) And we will only have about 15 a/c at that point. In addition, we are in this position due to CRAP CONTRACT LIFT carriers such as Mesa. And the wet behind the ears Bastards that flocked over there to fly for them. Your product sucks (commute too much on them, couldn't tell if it was english your f/a was speaking during the demo, hell she couldn't even explain that they were late, and wanted everyone w/o a tight connection to stay seated so those that did could get off. It was horendous, You couldn't understand her gibberish english. Have witnessed numerous assinine speaches by your capts, and you look like ******************** through the terminals too, as well as the multitude of missconnects due to MTX or No Crew available on clear days. Seeing F/A's in UAL uniforms because they were plucked from overnights on UAL system, based in ORD to fly the US system. (And I will give them this, they were the only two I've seen that show any sense of professionalism, and did a damn good job considering they were working their 16th hour)
I don't ever want to hear about a moral high road from the likes of Mesa, That company is the likes of cockroaches which have been feeding off the bottom for years. I don't care that you've thrown out your MEC/Negotiating Comm. I don't care you have a contract up in 2 years. You should have done this 6 years ago. You should have researched what a crap place it was, and taken the Moral High Road and never went.

So untill your pilot group stops being the basis of the whipsaw, so many other carriers have been up against. We shouldn't hear a PEEP out of you.....

-rant off....
khsgt said:
Everybody has been bashing us for years (rightfully so) and now let's see what kind of decision PSA makes...looks like they may not have any "moral high ground" anymore

This will be an interesting one.

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