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PSA offered 900's

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How do you figure that? You guys are the ones who have set the bar so low in the first place. So from here "our moral high ground" dosent look nearly as bad. Hows that 8 days off a month working out for you?
mamba20 said:
Alright guys, here's how I think this will play out.

This is a pretty big multi million dollar deal and its not going to be put in the hands of a bunch of pilots. Lets look at where the airplanes could possibly go. 1) PDT. I seriously cant see that happening. They would have to train the whole of the pilot group which would costs millions in the end. Not economical. Plus the DHC-8 has a niche market and PDT is making money hands over fist. I heard that the Dash pays for itself after like the 5th of the month or something like that.

2) MESA. I doubt this too. Parker has expressed that when Mesa's contract is up he wants to get rid of them. Not just that but there are complaints about this company daily from passengers, mainline etc. Look at the cancelation rate from these guys. They are lucky they can find their way to the airport. Just ask any of the commuters who rely on mesa (my most sincere and extreme condolences.) They jets arent going to go to Mesa when in the end they will be more expensive to operate with piss poor performance.

3) PSA. Makes perfect sense. Already an established CRJ operator. We have all gone through the 700/900 differences (if you havent you soon will) training and all that would be required is to do IOE on the 900. By far the most economical choice just from a training standpoint. Our operating costs are tiny compared to Mesa who gets paid regardless and our completion factor is much better. No contest there.

Bottom line, the airplanes are going to come here no matter what we vote. This is all smoke and mirrors to try to make it as cheap as possible so that KH Rose, and TK can all get better raises and bonuses. I'm sure these debates between the company and the union are going to get nasty and there will be lots of "the sky is falling!" BS stories going around. We CANNOT buckle and let the scumbads in management pull the wool over our eyes. This company isnt going to tank based on us not taking these airplanes. They are coming here regardless so keep that in the back of your mind. Dont let Rose, KH and TK get a raise without you getting one too.

All 900's should go to mainline period.
mamba20 said:
How do you figure that? You guys are the ones who have set the bar so low in the first place. So from here "our moral high ground" dosent look nearly as bad. Hows that 8 days off a month working out for you?

Your Mec has fkd Piedmont and ALG.

Oh, I forgot you were flight Instructing at that time.......
Crzipilot said:
This is exactly where alpa (national) needs to step in and control the situation. (TSA/G*jets, another I believe and every other whipsaw that's occured) Set a nationwide rate / or cost of operting per aircraft. Whether it's through pay rates, vacation amounts/ rigs / etc etc.....And not allow a carrier to go below that.
If PSA had the safety of knowing that they could turn these aircraft away, without another carrier coming in and agreeing to do it, there wouldn't be any argument as to what to do. But the current situation, where MESA has 900's currently operating on the property, one would fathom and No vote would send these things quicker than you can say it, straight to Mesa or somewhere, and I would put money on it that pilot group wouldn't think too hard on taking on the a/c. Get all the MEC's together and agree to do it for X amount min. and you negate the whipsaw. It is this situation that allows management to come in with a straight face, and give a take it or leave it offer. They know they have 5 other whores, they can go proposition. So we are number two.

Amen!!! ALPA National needs to help all of us out. The main line guys, the J4J's, Furl. guys, and all the regionals and come up with a pay scale and work rules min. fast before this industry is forever changed.

Crzipilot, you speak the truth, this is one of the best posts on here. We need to use this board to unite fellow pilots and stand up to corporate america to save OUR indusrty. Like the Delta pilots said before giving in, this is our airline without us it doesn't run. Let get together and send a message. Can't we all just get along and work together! Sorry for the soap box but I love my job but hate the industry.
Clipper_Aurora said:
I here that D'Angelo, Drizzle I did learn some since in that time, I applied at MESA, my logic, make the same as I do here as an FO but be a Captain over there in a year and log PIC in those 20 nice new 900's that will be delivered there soon and move to a Major.

How the hell are you going to to move to the MAjor if you start flying there routes in the same size aircraft they fly for 1/8 of their pay.
sniper said:
All 900's should go to mainline period.
Agreed, but it's too late for that. Mainline is getting slapped in the face (90 seat jets at PSA with mainline pilots on the street). PSA is getting slapped in the face (fly the 90 seaters for LESS than 70 seaters AND a pay freeze). PDT is getting slapped in the face (more jets for the other W/O who they feel already stabbed them in the back).

What a crappy situation. I'm getting the feeling our pilot group may not have a big say in this one, but we shall see...

Like I've said before, 90 seaters don't belong at the regional level. I hope we do turn them down but I'd be willing to bet a couple rounds that someone else would love to snatch them up.
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D'Angelo said:
it already is respectable. Everyone will just laugh and take your flying as you sit there "trying to make a difference". It won't do you one bit of good. Capitalism is beautiful

D'Angelo You are just another one of those selfish pilots out there. You don't mine selling your soul to the devil for 1 million today instead of working hard and going to heaven and enjoy everlasting wealth. Idiot.......
mamba20 said:
1) PDT. I seriously cant see that happening. They would have to train the whole of the pilot group which would costs millions in the end. Not economical.

Hey, we don't want 'em! But for the umpteenth trillionth time, THAT's exactly what happened with you guys! You were flying relatively new-to-property Dorks, and whizzbang presto, you got the jets. It has happened before, so don't count it out just because it's a bad idea. How do you think we'd feel if AWAC dusted off their DHC8 cert to play ball for some -400s?

Wolf was a two fisted gibbering gimp of a CEO, though, unlike Doug E. Fresh. The jets would never come to Piedmont.

I'm looking at my contract right now- yup, them's jet numbers (ERJ, CRJ, SJ) for pay. You went a leetle bit lower than ours, so ya gots them. Fact.

Those are teeth marks in your arse, and they have "feef whore departure" all over them.
jetfo said:
It's a nice thought, but you won't change a thing. Only a unified ALPA that establishes pay rates for number of seat flown across the board will ever change things for the better, followed by brand scope.

Yes but ALPA represents us. If we all start make posivtive statements, such as turning down such offers, then we just might light the fire under their butts. And if they still fail to take a stand, then we find new representation.

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