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Psa Jets!!!

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Watch out PSA, if you guys get jets and Alagoonie doesn't there will be trouble in the family.
Beavis: You crack me up dude. I have read many of your post's and they are always negative. Actually, I have just come to accept you as a negative person and your very fun to read sometimes. Kep up the good work. LOL
My prediction? After the RJ's come, Beavis will be back on here cursing the RJ for not having curtains.

Beavis, Good scenario but it is very flawed.
Just sit tight dude. This annoucement at the RAA meeting is just rumor. I'm not sure if it will be annouced or not. It would make sense with all the publicity at all, but I am unable to verify this rumor.
Hey guys and gals. I am wondering how long it takes to get a call back once your resume and CL is sent in. I have sent an update last week and have not heard anything. Does HR mind getting a checkup call from me or should I wait for the call to see what happens. Sounds like things are going to get really good for PSA, would love to be a part of it. Thanx in advance for info.

For the WO's it is about time they get into the present with jet's. Maybe they can"reclaim" some flying from the contract carriers or expand to what Airways no longer supports with their decrease in aircraft.

I have to agree though that it is going to take time for a fleet of RJ's at any of the WO's. Even IF you get the most agressive schedule (I think COEX and CMR had it at one time) of 4 a month, maybe 15 by the end of the year on the line and working. (assuming 3 months for training before revenue service). Heck we are going to be at 70+ by the end of the year and we have been getting them for going on 3 years at 2 per month. We have just doubled out seniority list from 3 years ago.. It is a slow process...

This can all change if you get some Midway Rj's or other's who are not taking delivery or deferring them for a while.

As for the -700's, there is already a healthy waiting list and I cannot see how MDA is going to jump to the front, unless MESA send's a few your way

As for transistion.. In my opinion, the Dork guys will have it quite a bit easier than the DHC-8 guy's and that is for EICAS which is the same from what I have been told. They jet is not that hard and coming from a DHC-8 before the jet as FurloughedAgain said.. "it is just another airplane"
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Mid Atlantic is going with the ERJ-170. Seigal is hell bent about being the launch customer for a airline in the US. Guess he thinks it's a got advertisment piece.

The Dork is Honeywell, and the CRJ is Collins. From what I have heard, it's not hard to switch. They do pretty much work the same, just diffrent symbols.

Whoever asked about a follow up. I spoke with HR the other day and after they recieve your resume, it goes into a pile. If your resume is selected for an upcoming interview, they mail you a application to fill out. Once they recieve your completed application, they call you to schedule a ionterview. If you get a app in the mail, you are pretty much guaranteed an interview.

Rumors I'm hearing in Crystal City is 4 a month for the CRJ. Last Dork is supposed to be gone by second quarter of 2004. Apprently, there is a idle line already being built in YUL for the expected order for Airways.
I am a former PSA pilot and the jump into the CRJ isn't bad at all. You just have to learn a different way to do the same thing. TheCollins FMS is smarter than the Honeywell's. Hopefully PSA will get the database with the approaches in.

Congrats PSA guys. I sure hope the news is as good as it sounds like it might be.


I just found out thru the grape vine that airways has chose to order 100 crj's and 100 e170/175's with 300 options on rj's.I talked with the chief pilot at Midatlantic start up in Oct.Looks like e170/175's for Midatlantic.They are interviewing for six check pilots as we speak. All pilots will be from the Airways APL list in Airways senority order.
what i herd was initial order of 290, options on 500. E170 and 175s go to Mid Atlantic, with options on 190 and 195s. 50 seat CRJs to the WO and also some 70 seat CRJs. They want the 70 seaters now but the majority will be ERJs and Mid atlantic.

Anyone hear anything about the flow thru.???

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