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Good question and one which I have not heard the answer too. I'll leave that up to the folks at corporate to figuare out.

There was a rumor of 35 aircraft down in W. Virginia waiting for something, apparently paint jobs.

Don't know if that is true though.
Dash, thanks for the info from my PM

I thought Midway only had 5 airplanes or something like that.
Wonder where the other 95 are coming from.
I've heard that GE Capital has a lot of orders for CRJ's. that could be one place they will come from. Don't quote me on that though.
I went to the info meetings given by mgt. when the ACA furloughs were announced. There is absolutely no way ACA will be buying future Dornier jets. If you went to the meetings and heard the comments on cost issues (mx & ops, Dornier really left us hanging), you would draw the same conclusion. Airways magazine even published that DCI's Bruttell "bristles" at the mention of our little froughline as well.

I love my little DO-bird...but she's a neglected lady needing TLC...I hope Avcraft can be a better "foster parent" than Dornier was as it's "natural parent". The plane deserves better....
Midway's ogin away

Midway only has five CRJ's. They don't have any secretly waiting in the wings or paint shops for that matter. That is public record.

MESA (scum) has picked up some CRJ's in Airways colors and is starting to fly them out of PHL.

I only pray that Airways and WO's will take over all the MESA flying in the next few years.

Sorry, I know most pilot's are pretty cool people, hell maybe the coolest. BUT MESA represents the worst of this airline turmoil.

Here is a interesting story that I recieved today from a PDT MEC member.

Apparently, there was a PDT deadheading crew that was going to Toronto (CYYZ) for an overnight out of PHL. The crew asked the MESA crew if they were staying in the hotel and if so, if they would call the hotel in range. The MESA crew said they were going back to PHL. Well, later that night the PDT crew saw the MESA crew in the hotel and asked what had happened and why they didn't go back to PHL. The MESA crew stated that on the way up from PHL to YYZ, they got dropping oil presures on both engines half way there but decided to continue to YYZ anyway. Well, the crew burned up both engines by the time they got to the gate. The PDT crew after hearing this were outraged that this crew would jeopordize people's lives over something like this and not make a precautionary landing.
PDT MEC is issuing a report stating that such incompetence puts their crews at risk and wish to not ride on MESA planes. If that happens, I think some other Express carriers will also not ride with MESA.
but wait, theres more...

mind you, i'm paraphrasing from memory, but the basic jist of what happened is here.

one of our capt's (alg) was riding on a schittytaqua junkjet from buf to lga middle of winter, wings covered in snow, and still snowing, they don't de-ice, our guy says something, and the crew threatens to kick him off the plane for being a disturbance.
those contracters may have the publics precious jets, but they seem to have the most issues safety wise.
well you get what you pay for huh?
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328dude, I don't think that mixing Mesa pilots inability to stand up to JO and get a decent contract, translates into being unsafe. Getting BOTH engines to do what you"informed source" claimed, is a darned hard to belive. I can assure you that I have yet to see anything in a Mesa cockpit that resembles unsafe flying ability. Stupidity in assessing the airline business and their rightful place in it, YES! Unsafe, NO! There are 1300 plus pilots here and a few may be shakey, but those exist everywhere. Yes, I am including ROA. BTW, Am I to make blanket judgements about Wholly owned carriers because I have PERSONALLY seen them leave YUL with frost on the wings and EVERYONE else was deicing? NO! I have friends at all the WO carriers who would NEVER so something like that! As for us, I can assure you that I, and many other Mesa pilots, learned a lot about flying in; Mexico in June, December in Canada, winter crud in California, Washington, Oregon. and the Rocky Mountains, 120 F heat in PHX, spring TS in Kansas and the Mid West. crappy days on the East Coast, New England, and my current cake job of flying outta DCA. Should I also assume you are no 'ho for flying former USAir mainline routes while they have pilots on furlough? I remember seeing lots of JETS in DAY as a kid, were those an illusion? How about ROA? IND? CMH? CLE? DCA? CLT? BHM? RDU? Darn it, we must ALL be low lifes! BTW I voted no and practically BEGGED everyone else too. If you know the Flight 3 of this "alledged" oil press incident, then call the feds and Mesa system ops, 1-888-643-6372, ask for a chief or at least Pro Standards. Fly safe!

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