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Psa Jets!!!

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Good point, but one question. How the heck did you PERSONALLY see ice on the wings of a wholly owned airplane? Hard to see the top of the wings on a Dash or a Dork.

This story was passed on to me today. I agree, we all have those "FEW" at every carrier. I was not bashing MESA, just posting the story. I made no comment on what my personal feelings are. Just an information piece.

At least you had the kojones to stand up for what you believed was right. To bad, it hosed everybody that had a pair.
Here is my prediction for PSA.

We will operate 90 airplanes, 30 CRJ 700's and 60 CRJ 200's. We will go from 300 pilots to almost 950. Many of those will be mainline "jets for jobs" folk. The dorniers will be gone. Knoxville (thats right knoxville) and Dayton will be the major maintenance hubs and most flying will be PIT, CLT, and DCA turns. Whoever said that we are getting Dork jets is a retard. GE will give US Airways group more money after we order the CRJ's beacuse they are equipped with their CF34 turbofans. PSA will solely be an operator of Bombardiers and Mid Atlantic will solely operate Embraer's in keeping with common types.

The evidence I have is the following.
1. A brand new 10 classroom/3 office PSA training facility recently completed above the Dayton Airport Hotel next door to our headquarters and across the street from our maintenance headquarters.
2. Multiple trips by all sorts of management to YUL where the Bombardier factory is located. (some trips I have flown myself)
3. Numerous Press announcements stating the Bombardier and Embraer will both benefit from "a major order from US Airways."
4. Continued interviews and hiring while we still have people out on voluntary furough and personal leaves.
5. Maintenance personnel with June class dates in YUL for CRJ training.
6. The last Dornier C checks scheduled to be done by PSA end in May.
7. The obviousness that out of the wholly owneds, PSA has the "odd ball out" airplane and a proven track record for quick airplane transitions, a la Jetstreams to Dorniers.
8. PSA main headquarters eliminating walls and cubicles on both floors to expand the dipatch/ scheduling areas to the entire second floor and maintenence to the entire first floor. This extra room was created by the SSO taking over administrative duties of the wholly owneds like payroll, Pass dept., etc. and moving those to Harrisburg.
9. Recent discussions with PSA ALPA regarding 70 seat jet rates and details about the Jet for Jobs transition.

I know it has been a long time coming but they are finally coming and a big announcement should take place during the RAA conference May 18-21st. Check http://www.raa.org/2003Convention/index.html for info.

The only thing that scares me is a company with 3 times the airplanes and 3 times the pilots with schedules still created by hand and a reserve system built on functioning on crew abuse and favors. When are they going to invest in some freaking new computers and scheduling software?? If they think a 90 airplane company will run on the same mom and pop company crap that a 30 airplane company barely runs on then they should start hanging out with that guy who thinks we are getting dork jets and the Iraqi Minister of Information! They could all have a tea party and talk sh*t together. Comair has a dispatch room that look like NORAD while ours looks like the bridge of the 1975 Star Trek Enterprise. I really hope this whole thing all works out, we were supposed to get RJs tomorrow since I started this job many years ago!

Best of luck to all of us in this crazy industry and especially our wholly owned brothers.

P.S. Please wait to flame me until May 22nd. Thank you.
P.S.S. Contract raise on May 10th...woo hoo!!!
The first floor of headquarters will look like NORAD when they are done. I have seen the plans, complete with the big screens you speak of brother.

There will be 40 schedulers and dispatchers.
Hopefully, things will get better.
Sure hope...

Sure hope you guys taxi a little bit slower (especially in turns!) when you get your new airplanes.

Yikes! Sometimes when riding in back I cant help but wonder if airport designers should bank taxiway turns (a'la Nascar) at airports frequented by PSA Dorniers!

That is one area in which I agree that you guys are most definately cowboys.


"I get paid by the minute and go-arounds pay more than landings!"
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You guys crack me up! Arent you the same guy who said PSA was doing proving runs last October, blah, blah......

Do you really think 90 freakin jets are going to magically appear under the tree in DAY just like that???? It took Comair/Eagle/COEX/ASA 5 - 10 years of jet deliveries to accumulate that many aircraft. At an AGGRESSIVE delivery schedule of 2 per month, that means it will take about 5 years, not to mention the problems with 70 seat deliveries which have screeched to a halt.

Try this scenario.......PSA gets about 10 RJ's over the next year or so, but 30 of the slots to fly them go to furloughees leaving PSA to furlough themselves to make room. You guys have NEVER seemed to grasp this! Look for many more RJ's to be placed at Chat, Mesa and maybe even ACA.

Take another sip of kool-aid.
Why is it that some people will not accept good news? I keep hearing the same thing from many different sources. On our flight 2 days ago we had an instructor from Mid-Atlantic. He said it would be a large rj order. Ashby said in the last meeting with PSA, that all 3 WOs would get jets. He had just got out of meeting with the Governor of PA discussing the new training faciliy in PIT. Will 90 jets just appear in DAY? No, of course not. But I bet that we will take delivery very quickly. Both Ashby and the Mid Atlantic instructor said 2 to 3 weeks. So my money is on the 18th for an announcement. That is the start of the RAA conference. The WOs have been through so much crap, especially PSA (DC Air), that maybe, just maybe this one time, something good is really going to happen.

btw Beavis....I was the one that posted the rumor about proving runs in Oct. And if you go read the post, i said it was a RUMOR. You have thrown that back here about 10 times anytime something half way positive is posted about PSA getting rjs....So I was wrong....Get over it already.
Cant hack the jet transition?

Gimme a break. They're not transitioning into the Starship Enterprise. Its just another airplane.

They'll be fine. If Comair can take kids straight from their flight school in Florida with 350 hours then Dornier captains will have no problem.
For all those interested

The four furloughed employees are back and will resume sim training on Monday. A new hire class is sched. for May and June, but I'm not sure on when interviews will start again.


For the longest time I held your same point of view on the entire situation, but the things I've recently seen are starting to make me see that all three WO's should be able to pull through this whole mess without too much of a problem, and with all current employees still on property. Now I could just be looking at the situation through Kool-Aid colored glasses, but I does seem to be legit.

I hope for all of our sakes that I'm right and my glasses are'nt just fogged up.

Good Luck

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