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Psa Jets!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2002
I just heard a rumor from a friend today that PSA is possibly receiving up to 50 new RJs. Does anyone from PSA know when you guys will be taking delivery of the first new aircraft and when is the hiring going to start? Any info would be great!

PSA has 328Jets on order from Avcraft, which just bought the assembly line from BK Fairchild Dornier. Don't know when or where but preferential hiring is on the way from participating MEC's. A lot of 121 furloughed guys on the street right now. ;)
I had no clue that PSA was looking at the DOjets. I had thought they were looking at the CRJ or ERJ. I recently saw AvCraft's charter DOjet and its really impressive.
Awsome!!!!!!!! What are you talking about? You seem to have more information that the line pilots. Also I guess we have been going up to YUL with MGT and Instructors in the back for no reason. Unless you are the person ordering the RJ's for us, The majority of the people on the line are in the dark about, if/when/how many/ etc. etc.

Do-Jets that would be cool, more time to goof of in ground school, already knowing the systems.

Keep them coming please.

Smoking Man
DoJets????? Funny. ROFLMAO

Smokin man, What's up.

I can certainly put the rumor of DoJets at PSA in the crapper. There is absolutly no way, PSA will get DOJets. We can't even get parts for the prop version now. We ARE getting CRJ's along with the other three wholly owned company's and ERJ-170's for Mid Atlantic and 90 seaters ERJ for Mainline. PSA is in negotiations tommorrow May5th with the company over 70 seat pay rates and a few other items that I'm not at liberty to say.
Although many of the topics regarding PSA's future are confidential from last week's meeting between PSA and Bruce Ashby, President of US Express, The CRJ is a givin, how many and when are not being released from Ashby intill the ink is dried on the deal. Also, Ashby dispelled the rumor that the three wholly owned PSA, ALG and PDT will merge into one company. I know that has been a big rumor running around. They have already started hiring and are interviewing many more than usual. The chief pilot gave preferential hiring to ACA furlughees and have already contacted some of them especially if they have CRJ time.

DoJet's LOL Where to you get this stuff.
However, I needed a good laugh. I agree with smoking man. Keep them coming.
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328 Dude wazzup?

I can add some information about PSA, at the DAI (Dayton Airport INN) there are currently 10 class rooms under construction, (near the end). With PSA training facility signs ready to be put up. Currently on the ground with the protective plastic over them, awaiting instillation . So something is getting ready to go down. So for those of you who have an interview, they are doing these for a reason.

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Smoking Man: Haven't seen ya online lately.

Yea, I saw the pictures on our website Looks pretty nice. Apparently, there is a CRJ poster hanging backwards in one of them. I talked to HR last week and he said that they have a large number of resume's on hand and are already in the process of setting up interview dates. Although, they have preferential hiring set up with some of the other regionals. Ex. ACA they are splitting the interview classes with half furoloughee's (121 experience) and the rest with no 121 experience. Managment continues to fly to YUL every week and they best they tell me is "just sharing information".

Bruce Ashby Vice Presidnt of USAirways Express last week in a briefing to PSA said qoute "Two to Three weeks". When asked what he meant by that, he said that was all was willing to release right now.

The carrot continues to hang.
Whats the deal with the Mainline guys that are out of work. Are they gonna be thrown in the mix???? From what we hear at Piedmont is that depending on and if we replace planes we might lose some of our guys.
Then again Asby said that one of the WO's will continue to fly Props, and no one does it better then Piedmont...heheheh
Good Luck

All the mainline dudes, get 50 percent of the seats. PSA needs 37 airplanes to break even and keep everyone on board at their current position. Anything over that, they will need to hire and upgrade. From what I'm hearing, we are about to triple that many. As far as PDT and ALG goes, I've been hearing the same thing, but the leases of the Dash's are running longer then our Dorniers and the Dash is a much better reliable airplane in regards to maintenence and some of the longer extended leased airplanes will be running into 2005 for the really short hops and smaller markets. PSA is already in a position to get rid of some fo them as soon as the jets arrive.

Ashby was very upbeat in his meeting and did state that all three wholly owned will recieve the bulk of the RJ orders (50Seaters) and possibly a few 70 seaters which PSA is in meetings today about. If they spread out the order like they said they would, ALG and PDT and us, won't have to furlough anyone.
328dude said:

PSA is already in a position to get rid of some fo them as soon as the jets arrive.

Does this mean that the guys at the bottom of the list will be gettting furloughed in order for mainline guys to move in. I dont understand. If the jets really get cranking will there be hiring going on. I have a res. on file but I have to update it. What is the name of the current recruiter. Thanx in advance.


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