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- Nov 25, 2001
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I just got up after a great night's sleep. When I went to bed at 3:00AM, I had just finished a night flight back from Boca. What an incredible firmament was there for me to see at FL410, over a dark ocean, with the Milky Way all bright and beautiful. Accident of nature. Sure, buddy. If you say so....
Anyway, if our esteemed members don't consider the "hypothetical" examples that were posed here to be slightly obnoxious, or if phrases like "squeal like a stuck pig" aren't considered insulting, well, then I stand corrected. I've been guilty of this myself as I mentioned in my old career, when I was much younger, and less mature.
Likewise, I spent enough time as a liberal to be able to identify one who holds those views. If somone protests when I find they have met one of my tests of the label, I'm not surprised. I always called myself a moderate. It sounded so much more reasonable. After all, I wasn't dealing with the truth, only the idea that we liberals had better, more reasonable ideas than everyone else. I have discovered since that time that all of the really good ideas come from one source, and folks, it ain't us.
In this case, I'm being labeled as a hypocrite. That's one I have borne in the past so too, I know the difference. The only aparent way thay I could "prove" that I am not a hypocrite to this detractor would involve a lot of things that just won't hapen, at least not now. It's entertaining to try and bait someone, hoping they will fall. When they don't fall, all they have to stand on is to pretend that they fell, pointing and saying "look, you fell!" Am I glad that satanism isn't yet practiced in the public schools? You bet. Aren't you? Only a fool or a Satanist would like to see that happen. Let me ammend that: the satanist doesn't want the attention of the entire country on his school district. He searches for the dark corner, always hiding his ways. He follows the prince of darkeness. He circumvents the rights of the child's parents, and instill beliefs that are counter to our culture and destructive to our nation. He works best through the young idealist mind, who sees our best future through socialism, environmentalism, feminism, and a large centralized government to redistribute wealth, as suggested by Karl Marx.
I guess the other thing I would have to do is teach my children about the satan who is being worshiped by their teacher, as I mentioned in response to the "hypothetical" example I was given. Well, that's an easy test, but the conditions of the test don't exist, so heck, you can think what you want. If it helps, you can imagine a nation of outraged parents, storming the doors of Ted Turner's offices. The reality is this: we really are one nation, under God, according to those who set up our country. We didn't need an act of congress in the 1950's to make that true. When we become one nation under satan, which a lot of people would like to see sooner than you expect (see Revelation), then we will change the pledge and our money to reflect that new reality.
Under the honor code, I learned that when somone calls you a hypocrite without the proof, it is more of a statement about themselves than it is about you. After the academy, I went to a liberal college (New York University) and I put away much of what I learned at the academy for a time. Luckily for me, I had only put it aside, and not discarded it wholesale. Fortuately, with some added years came wisdom, and you would have had to know me in the seventies in order to truly appreciate the truth of that statement.
That said, let's try to finish this up.
Prior to 9/11, Christians were the only opressed religious group in the public school system. It is a system run largely by "worldly" men and women, who place their faith in the works of MAN, not God. Just refer to that list of famous quotes posted earlier in this thread. As you saw posted on this topic, the "unsaved" place their faith in man and his thinking, and regard God and His Word as myth, legend, story, oral history, and if you are patient enough, they confess the Bible to be the work of an idle mind. If you ask a feminist, they will tell you it was written by men to oppress women. The feminists never make it to the book of Proverbs, apparently, where God shows what he expects of women, even though a woman was the first link in the chain of "sin". Man was right there to eagerly go along with the idea, too.
If your opinion is that Christians aren't opressed, particularly in our schools, that is your right as an American. We may not have a meeting of the minds on this issue. I remember the animosity I once felt toward Christians, much like Saul of Tarsis before his conversion. Before he was turned by Christ to become an apostle, he plotted the murder and torture of scores of believers. If you don't like having the words "under God" in the pledge, you have options, including writing your congressman. I wish you luck, my friends. As was so correctly pointed out, we have a system of government that works, albiet horribly slowly.
I hope, as always, that a little information, some of which has not been planned, was shared in this thread. Now, more than ever, we are conscious of our heritage and freedoms. As with everything else, the meaning and limits of those freedoms are a continuing discussion.
Since the Ninth Circuit has already said "oops!" on this ruling, our pledge is still intact, along with the first amendment, as we have already shown, right here.
Anyway, if our esteemed members don't consider the "hypothetical" examples that were posed here to be slightly obnoxious, or if phrases like "squeal like a stuck pig" aren't considered insulting, well, then I stand corrected. I've been guilty of this myself as I mentioned in my old career, when I was much younger, and less mature.
Likewise, I spent enough time as a liberal to be able to identify one who holds those views. If somone protests when I find they have met one of my tests of the label, I'm not surprised. I always called myself a moderate. It sounded so much more reasonable. After all, I wasn't dealing with the truth, only the idea that we liberals had better, more reasonable ideas than everyone else. I have discovered since that time that all of the really good ideas come from one source, and folks, it ain't us.
In this case, I'm being labeled as a hypocrite. That's one I have borne in the past so too, I know the difference. The only aparent way thay I could "prove" that I am not a hypocrite to this detractor would involve a lot of things that just won't hapen, at least not now. It's entertaining to try and bait someone, hoping they will fall. When they don't fall, all they have to stand on is to pretend that they fell, pointing and saying "look, you fell!" Am I glad that satanism isn't yet practiced in the public schools? You bet. Aren't you? Only a fool or a Satanist would like to see that happen. Let me ammend that: the satanist doesn't want the attention of the entire country on his school district. He searches for the dark corner, always hiding his ways. He follows the prince of darkeness. He circumvents the rights of the child's parents, and instill beliefs that are counter to our culture and destructive to our nation. He works best through the young idealist mind, who sees our best future through socialism, environmentalism, feminism, and a large centralized government to redistribute wealth, as suggested by Karl Marx.
I guess the other thing I would have to do is teach my children about the satan who is being worshiped by their teacher, as I mentioned in response to the "hypothetical" example I was given. Well, that's an easy test, but the conditions of the test don't exist, so heck, you can think what you want. If it helps, you can imagine a nation of outraged parents, storming the doors of Ted Turner's offices. The reality is this: we really are one nation, under God, according to those who set up our country. We didn't need an act of congress in the 1950's to make that true. When we become one nation under satan, which a lot of people would like to see sooner than you expect (see Revelation), then we will change the pledge and our money to reflect that new reality.
Under the honor code, I learned that when somone calls you a hypocrite without the proof, it is more of a statement about themselves than it is about you. After the academy, I went to a liberal college (New York University) and I put away much of what I learned at the academy for a time. Luckily for me, I had only put it aside, and not discarded it wholesale. Fortuately, with some added years came wisdom, and you would have had to know me in the seventies in order to truly appreciate the truth of that statement.
That said, let's try to finish this up.
Prior to 9/11, Christians were the only opressed religious group in the public school system. It is a system run largely by "worldly" men and women, who place their faith in the works of MAN, not God. Just refer to that list of famous quotes posted earlier in this thread. As you saw posted on this topic, the "unsaved" place their faith in man and his thinking, and regard God and His Word as myth, legend, story, oral history, and if you are patient enough, they confess the Bible to be the work of an idle mind. If you ask a feminist, they will tell you it was written by men to oppress women. The feminists never make it to the book of Proverbs, apparently, where God shows what he expects of women, even though a woman was the first link in the chain of "sin". Man was right there to eagerly go along with the idea, too.
If your opinion is that Christians aren't opressed, particularly in our schools, that is your right as an American. We may not have a meeting of the minds on this issue. I remember the animosity I once felt toward Christians, much like Saul of Tarsis before his conversion. Before he was turned by Christ to become an apostle, he plotted the murder and torture of scores of believers. If you don't like having the words "under God" in the pledge, you have options, including writing your congressman. I wish you luck, my friends. As was so correctly pointed out, we have a system of government that works, albiet horribly slowly.
I hope, as always, that a little information, some of which has not been planned, was shared in this thread. Now, more than ever, we are conscious of our heritage and freedoms. As with everything else, the meaning and limits of those freedoms are a continuing discussion.
Since the Ninth Circuit has already said "oops!" on this ruling, our pledge is still intact, along with the first amendment, as we have already shown, right here.
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