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Pinnacle vs Mesaba

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MES and FLG sold to another pilot

Irish Pilot said:
yeah not exactly what I had in mind lol.

Nice job, kids. Keep the bickering and boohooing up.

This whole industry is a joke. The sick thing is that I'll keep going back to hear what retarded sh*t will happen next.
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I know what you mean 405. I overheard 2 recently upgraded captains in the crew room talking about how next year FedEx is going to snatch them from our evil Airlink clutches seeing how there's no one else around with PIC jet time. Get off high mins first fellas.

'What the fcuk are you carrying a gun for? What in case someone steps to you Snoop Dog?'
Mikey 'Swingers'

Back on track...

I heard that Pinnacle is now hiring off-the-street captains, as they did several years ago. Back then the Capts were getting paid in training, perdiem and housing I believe.

I know that the FOs get nothing during training.

Do the Capts get stuff during training? If so, what do they get?

Are the lines commutable? What are the min days off for Pinnacle?


Old news, and the Street Captain thing is about to end along with the last of our deliveries.

Captains do NOT get anything, as they are technically "hired" as F/O's, knowing full well they will be "upgraded" while still in initial class.

In the past, Street Captains DID get stuff; basically whatever you negotiated. The best I heard was the deal I negotiated: paid hotel and 24/7 per diem while in training until checkride, then full pay.

The lines are nearly uncommutable in MSP, somewhat commutable in MEM, and probably the best in DTW where the Capt lines were OK, but I'm flying with an F/O bidding #14 out of 165 and he couldn't hold a commutable DTW line.

Min days off is 10. Average reserve is 5 days on, 2 days off, 5 days on, 3 days off, alternating back and forth forever.

Thanx 4 the info! I like my current job, but I know a Pinnacle FO who was telling me how bad they needed off-the-street captains. It looks like the grass is greener where I'm at, but not by a lot.

Flying for a pax airline would save my family $4-5K/year, and my wife would see her family a lot more, but I won't leave my current job unless I can get one that is clearly better, and the way things are today it is more difficult than with the majors running in a regulation mode as they have been in the near past.


PS-My wife's company just added 2 whole new retirement plan concepts. 1-The regular 401K will be suplemented by the company paying into a 401K that is 100% company funded. 2-They are buying stock for the employees, in addition to the ESOP. It helps for her to have a stable job outside of the airline industry.
Man this thread sucks!

I know I am not of the minority when I say I respect XJ guys and gals. I have seen some bone head things too, but then again I just chalk it up to a "bad day", we all have them, don't we? Each airline has a few classless dudes, a few clueless dudes, and the rest are there to do a job, get paid and get home.

If I had a choice of XJ over 9E, I would go XJ... No matter what anyone thinks, they are usually respected more by mainline, regardless of what they fly. I can't tell you the amount of times I've been asked if I work for XJ.

With contract talks in progress at 9E, I would not be surprised to see a furlough to squeeze the pilot group, negative growth (ala 5 Avro's getting parked), and some other games just to pi$$ us off. Why subject yourself to that when you can go to XJ watch the games without the hassel?

Either way... we are still under the control of the mighty red tail, we are only pawns in a game and we will never see the "big picture". You could almost say it is a "lose-lose" regardless of who you work for.
dondk said:
Man this thread sucks!

With contract talks in progress at 9E, I would not be surprised to see a furlough to squeeze the pilot group, negative growth (ala 5 Avro's getting parked), and some other games just to pi$$ us off. Why subject yourself to that when you can go to XJ watch the games without the hassel?

5 Avro's getting parked? Where the heck did you hear that?
CubanSmoker said:
5 Avro's getting parked? Where the heck did you hear that?

He did not just hear about it he saw it. Don't you remember 5 avros getting parked at the end of 2003? Guess not.

Dondk was using it as an example of the kind of tricks management pulls during contract negotiations. They also threatend XJ with pulling all the avro flying at one point. But lo and behold one day after signing the new contract we magically kept all the avro flying and the 5 parked planes came back from Arizona. Funny, huh?

Comment on the crews:

I've jumpseated on Pinnacle, Mesaba (and NWA a lot). I've always had great service on Pinnacle and Mesaba-very friendly and professional crews.

I do like flying on the RJ-85 better than the CRJ. The 1st class and snack/beverage service on the -85 is great!


PS-I'd like to thank all the crews on both airlines that have let me jumpseat on their plane. Thanks a ton!!!

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