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Pinnacle vs Mesaba

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Cool. Glad we got that cleared up. Seeya.


After Page 2 of this thread, I looked outside, saw the snow and cold, realized that a lot of us have been looking a lot of cold and snow lately.

Must be getting to everyone. Everyone should go somewhere warm for a day or 2, and get some golfing in. The cabin fever in front of the computer is driving us all nutz.

Frankie says, "RELAX!"
What's really funny is that a lot of us 9E guys rag XJ for the ramp operation. (except me of course I have wayyyy to many friends at XJ to care, pissing and moaning about it won't make anything more efficient) I will agree that our uniform standards have a lot to be desired. I wear my uniform(and hat)every day on duty and the G'danm time I wear a tie from my flight school, the uniform police slap me on the wrist. DTW XJ guys are really cool, but I do notice that a lot of MSP XJ guys don't look us in the eye that much. But then again a lot of the MSP 9E guys don't either. But then again I'm an ugly SOB.

Hey wait a minute...I hijacked the thread. Go to XJ. Enjoy your QOL. I'm hoping to God,Allah,Buddah, whoever that this is my last year at 9E. But then again if I keep refusing Junior assignments it just may be ;)

'though I'm not paid, I play this game. And I won't stop until I'm done'
L. Kravitz
cathal said:
You weren't the one who called me an arrogant prick.

I called you a cocky f*ck. Get it straight.

Its hard to believe your Gods gift to aviation with such a short coming in the "attention to detail" department.
This is what happens here

It turns into a p*ssing contest between the pilot groups after about two or three pages when you ask a simple question. It's fun to read and then they start bashing you for grammatical errors if you post a reply regardless of what the subject is when they run out of stuff to harass you on. It is pure entertainment. Good stuff.

I'm sure I'll get some really intelligent comments about this post. I can't wait.
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Being a Mesaba dude, I have no problem with Pinnacle pilots. "Good for them!", I say. So soon how we forget at Mesaba when we ran ExpressI out of MSP and DTW then had them flying B model Saabs in the MEM heat for a few years.

Honestly, it boils down to petty jealousy. Pinnacle is getting a bunch of fancy jet-o-matics and we are mostly in Saab-o-matics. How do you think the ExpressI guys felt when these Barbie Jets began showing up in MEM and flying all over?

There are a lot of new guys at Pinnalce and you can point out a lot of them come from Gulfstream with little experience. But how airline savvy were you when you first were hired at Mesaba? I crashpad with a group of Pinnacle guys. Most of them are decent.

Anyhow, I picture Spanjers, Tearney (sp?), and Anderson all sitting around a table dressed in their best Dr. Evil attire, looking at all of this and laughing...MUHAHA...AAAHHHHAHA...MUHA...MUHA...HAAAAAHAHAHAHA!

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