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Pinnacle: Northwest shopping for bidders on Airlink fleet

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As much as I would like to see XJ get it, I doubt they will. XJ has a rock solid scope against Big Sky (the only certificate that could do 70 flying). XJ is in BK, can't see them selling to a judge that they can grow and take on new flying while at the same time cutting costs to be more profitable. Sort of why enter BK in the first place.

Mesa.. spread too thin, too many eggs in the basket and I can't see them covering the all the additional flying.

Skywest, and CHQ, maybe as players...

Besides coming down to who had the options or airframes it will also come down to who can staff it. Many regionals are scrambling for body's in the right seat, so a Jet 4 Job's is also realistic with NWA putting 1000+ on the street.

Finally... NWA is the ultimate puppet master, the company winning the bid will be a company that will allow NWA to control everything on their side of the house.
The bankruptcy has nothing to do with anything. they filed on an event that hasn't even taken place yet. NWA is simply looking for a company that has a lot of cash on hand and has no problem going into extreme debt. They are not looking to buy the 100 seat a/c for the company, they are looking for a company to buy them the airplanes. Thats why if the scope contract at NWA gets abolished 9E/XJ can kiss their asses goodbye.

Where do you get that Big Sky is the only certificate that can do 70 flying? Our new ASA with NW allows us to bid on other flying with them and with other airlines (yeah, I know, fat chance NW will allow that).
fly4ever said:

Where do you get that Big Sky is the only certificate that can do 70 flying? Our new ASA with NW allows us to bid on other flying with them and with other airlines (yeah, I know, fat chance NW will allow that).

My bad, I did not mean XJ could not fly 70+ seat's. I meant to say the "better" scenario would be Big Sky to fly them for NWA. Although XJ has scope that restricts Big Sky.

We can also fly bigger than 50 once we meet all the criteria NWA set, It just happens to be almost impossible to accomplish. This is what I meant by NWA wants total control, so whomever joins the NWA family better be ready, willing and able to bend over.
YourPilotFriend said:
The bankruptcy has nothing to do with anything. they filed on an event that hasn't even taken place yet. NWA is simply looking for a company that has a lot of cash on hand and has no problem going into extreme debt. They are not looking to buy the 100 seat a/c for the company, they are looking for a company to buy them the airplanes. Thats why if the scope contract at NWA gets abolished 9E/XJ can kiss their asses goodbye.
I don't get this.. XJ is in BK, so they can suddenly under XJ's certificate go out and buy 100+ jets with up to76 seats? The XJ BK judge will see going into further debt a good thing to do to come out of BK? That is why I mentioned Big Sky, under MAIR (who has the $$$) but restriced by XJ scope.

I see this as Midatlantic II... get a second certificate (somewhere), keep the $$$ seperate (on paper), and staff from within to maintain.

9E has a snowball's chance, we have the second certificate, we have "some" $$$, but we can't staff ourselves less any additonal flying.

Other outside entities (Skywest, CHQ and others), if they can quickly add or have the a/c already. Then they can be in a decent position provided they can staff and more importantly give control to NWA. This is considering scope relief from NWA ALPA.
Don't forget NWA owns a chunk of Mesaba and Pinnacle. By moving the flying to either of us they help to boost their own $$$. This is not to say they wouldn't accept a 3rd existing regional, but, I personally doubt they want another regional that they don't own a chunk of.
I would personally like to see mainline fly everything 71 seats and up, 9E and XJ anything 70 and under. I don't want any kind of flow up/back, I would just as soon make my own way to a mainline.

Thanks for the follow up. I agree with you on most of the other points you were making. NWA wants total control of their feed - that probably won't change. You have to remember that our "debt" is manufactured by our holding company. They can make us look like the rich kid on the block just as quickly as they have made us appear to be poor. Airline managements have mastered the shell game.

We have to support each other or we will end up with nothing.
You see they don't want to lose pilots. It's the old bait and switch tactic. Hey guys we could operate as NewCo with these rates(insult to NWA pilot, looks good to XJ pilot) or we can operate with our old props at an imposed contract. Whats it going to be? Don't fall for it, it's BS.

The only 170s that Republic is receiving now are from Mid-Atlantic (25). There is a waiting list from the factory so quit your bragging.

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