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Pinnacle Air Services

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Things I would like to see

They keep mentioning that they want to make this a company where employees want to stay and make a career out of it. I quess they intend to change things for the better.

Things I would like to see.........
1. Pay Scale-----I would like to know where I will be in 10 years.
2. Equal pay for all pilots except large a/c. I especially want to hear some feedback on this one..... My argument is, why should someone working twice as hard get paid less than someone because he is in a slightly larger a/c.
We fly almost everyday unless the plane is down for mx.
3. A REAL seniority list that works when bidding on available positions.
The current system stinks of ca-ca-pookie.
4. FAC commitee--LOL.....one that would work..

I think that this should keep the thread going....
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If PA and JR are going to slowly start to intigrate everything, then PA will probably adobt jr's overtime policy along with everything else, is that correct. Including payscales and schedule. And how about per diem. This is probably redundant, but I thought it was all addressed ealier.

Also, does jetride do any kind of standardization training or have sop's.

Any jetride guys going to be in Vegas monday thru thursday?
If PA and JR are going to slowly start to intigrate everything, then PA will probably adobt jr's overtime policy along with everything else, is that correct. Including payscales and schedule. And how about per diem. This is probably redundant, but I thought it was all addressed ealier.

Also, does jetride do any kind of standardization training or have sop's.

Any jetride guys going to be in Vegas monday thru thursday?

Nothing is standardized....pay is all over the place...I think JR pilots would have a real hissy if they knew what some are making.. The off the street guys tend to get paid 5-15k more.......Ask airplanes suck guy....OFF the street LR60 Capt pay for one individual is 85K.. total b.s.

Perdiem is most likely to change to the JR policy. $36 measly dollars a day.

We were standardized in the LR60 with SOP's and profiles. But not will all of the other a/c.
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Nothing is standardized....pay is all over the place...I think JR pilots would have a real hissy if they knew what some are making.. The off the street guys tend to get paid 5-15k more.......Ask airplanes suck guy....OFF the street LR60 Capt pay for one individual is 85K.. total b.s.

Perdiem is most likely to change to the JR policy. $36 measly dollars a day.

We were standardized in the LR60 with SOP's and profiles. But not will all of the other a/c.

36 a day sound nice to me, I'm tired of staying in sleezy hotels because the captain has a per diem fetish. How does a company get away with not inforcing standardization. SOP's and checklist have been written with blood, POI's should be all over that. I fly with 4 different people and I'm expected to fly the airlplane 4 different ways. I have asked once and they said its techniqe and should be left to the pilots discression. But its a safety issue, how can their be any discression about it? Am I out of line on this?

Like I have said earlier, If we go to jetrides pay, ot and per diem, the 2 weeks on/off pilots will probably break even, and the sprindale bassed crew will see a nice raise because we don't do a fraction of the overnights.
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Whoa, whoa, whoa.....Jetride has standardization and SOPs when it comes to operationing procedures. We have a Policy Manual that contains 75 pages of SOPs aircraft operation, call-outs, and profiles for every phase of flight including emergencies.

We have a Standards Committee made up of several Captains that meet or have conference calls on a regular basis to develop SOPs and operating practices.

What JR lacks in the standards area is the pay across the board. Osy007 is right, some guys are paid more than others for no good reason. Based on his comments, I imagine osy is a 35 driver. 35 guys deserve the same pay as a 60 drive, IMHO. I have flown both. Sure the 60 is bigger, but the 35 requires more pilot input and is harder to fly. The MTOW are not much different. 35, 45, 55 and 60 series drivers should all be paid on the same scale. Larger than that may deserve more pay.

But, before we go knocking a lack of SOPs, go to Teamworks and take a look at the Policy Manual. All the SOPs are there and we should give the Standards Committee a thumbs up for a job well done on getting us to this point with the SOPs and flight profiles.
36 a day sound nice to me, I'm tired of staying in sleezy hotels because the captain has a per diem fetish. .

Finally, a Pinnacle pilot can see the other point-of-view on this issue. This was the main reason Jetride didn't switch to Pinnacle's system right away. There were too many concerns raised about where the pilot's would be saying and having the crew members spilt between two hotels.
Being that we are such a big company now, maybe we could negotiate our own rate with Hampton inn or a nice hotel like that. 141 should more than cover it and food.

What I'm saying is that the PA per diem system works well, but there are people who abuse it, and that needs to be stopped.
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I second what starcheckdriver says, we DO have SOP's and it is up to the crews to follow them! I have flown with several other pilots, and while there where some minor differences, it was all very standardized.

As far as pay and OT go, I agree the pay scale should not be all over the place, and if for some dumb reason we adopt the Pinnacle way of covering OT I, and others, will walk without hesitation! I disagree with you starcheck on one point, if I work extra I want the compensation, not the extra days off.

I think Wynn has a pretty good handle on things and will look out for the pilots like he always has. He knows that we have a lot of control over things and happy pilots are happy emplyees.

If I'm am in your employ, flying a 9 million dollar jet, you(the company) can spring for a hotel. I'm not expecting to stay at the W or the Ritz, but somplace that I feel safe in and wont catch anything from the sheets.

Crew Cohesion is an important part of this equasion. Hanging out with your crew member makes you a better team and, I believe, ultimatly makes you safer.
I disagree with you starcheck on one point, if I work extra I want the compensation, not the extra days off.

I agree. I want the money too. My point was that some type of compensation needs to be provided. The notion that a pilot (or any employee for that matter) should work a day off with no compensation is absurd. And some guys are okay with taking extra days off rather than extra pay. I am not one of them. I value money more than time off; other value time off more than money.

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