OK, this may get me flamed but after reading the "how you got your job" thread, I have to ask. Don't PFT and the bubba network get you the same results. I mean both seem to get you the interview that you might not have gotten otherwise. I am not saying that either is right or wrong but they often produce the same result. I would think if you could afford a quality PFT program, getting top notch training and got the interview it would be just as good as if you are at or below the company mins and you got the interview because your dad's buddy's brother's cousin's sister walked in your resume and got you preferential treatment over the other people applying. My personal opinion is that everyone should be assessed on their skills and that all of the "hook-up" shortcuts to getting in should be done away with. Having someone on the inside is sort of like affirmative action. Think about it. You are probably going to get the job over someone better qualified just because you know someone. That isn't any different than getting it because you were a quota. I am looking to get into the industry in about 5 years and I would be pissed if someone less qualified than me got the job I was after just because they knew someone on the inside. I would be equally displeased if the guy who paid 30K to be a FO for a year got the job ahead of me. I am sure both instances will happen but my point is in my opinion they are 2 roads to the same destination.