Thanks for an outstanding post. It's so rare to hear anyone from other than Midex or Skyway that really gets it!That's exactly what happened at Midex. The pilots stood up and refused to grease the slide of the mainline payrates for the entire profession and ended up paying for it with their careers. Now RAH is flying the Midex flying in ERJs for RJ wages.
And nobody gives a damn.
The Midex situation should have been the seminal issue over which an SOS should have been called, but who cares about that little cookie airline up there in Milwaukee. They're still owned by Kimberly Clark, right?
That's something over which ALPA has control and could have some influence. As for scope erosion, take a look at USAirways.
They brought the E190's in house for basically RAH wages. With regionals providing 52% of enplanements, it's only a matter of time before the RJ is the standard against which all pay should be referenced. In the case of US, they have to staff the entire 190 fleet with new-hires (when the furloughees willing to come back run out), since no one in their right mind would take a paycut to go fly it.
Mainlines didn't gut their scope because they felt they were too good to fly a little jet. They simply weren't going to trade their top end wages to bring in a B-scale. The same way the Midex pilots refused to consider their 717 an RJ overnight.
This Quixotic pursuit of consolidating all branded flying under the seniority list of the mainline is as elusive as the holy grail of a National Seniority List.
Face it- Pilots want the power and influence that their greed denys them.