I have been currently working for a part 91 operation for over a year now. We fly a King Air B200. What should the daily rate or yearly salary be for a first officer? I now have about 400 hours as co pilot and flying pilot.
We pay about $175/day with someone with qual. when we have to contract a co-pilot. We are both 91 and 135 and we started our new hire co-pilot full time at $30,000/yr. We hired him at that because we know he isn't going to jump ship any time soon. And no PFT.
Hard to say. Didn't hurt - PT6 engines and all. C-208 was fun. What I imagine driving an 18 wheeler is like, but probably can stop shorter than a truck at highway speed. Did you ever pinch your finger in that step ladder?
I pinched my girlfriend's fingers inbetween the the reverse gate grip(WTF should I call it?) and the black plastic throttle knob, she was pissed! Yet to get the slammed by the ladder, I think I've got her mastered!
Flying an amphib 208 - waders on, opened door to step out onto "ladder", caught the wader in the seat or something and exited the aircraft head first, bounced off the float and hit the ramp on in a roll (missing the one wader) and ended up on the ground on my feet (I meant to do that).
Hit my head numerous times on the strut while pumping the floats, as my momma said, "son, some lights on the xmas tree are just dimmer than the others", I am not sure what she meant.....
Pinched my finger on the folding ladder on a wheeled 208.
In my humble opion if you work for a good (corporate) company flying a KA as a co you should start at $30,000 a year, at least.
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