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NTSB/Big Brother wants to babysit you via the black box

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This is the first step in many to come to completely take away a persons right to be a person and instead turn them into a robot. This is what the governmant wants right? This government the people elected?
How long until cars have a camera in them to catch people texting or using their phone or even tuning the radio. Oh my god so many distractions!
My state can't even balance the budget. I know the local city government can't even pay its fire fighters, they had to lay 15 off. Their entire economy is based upon traffic tickets and dui checkpoints, impounding vehicles. A joke. Our economy here is not self sufficient, it can't pay for itself. It needs all of us to keep it aflaot.
My state is going to withhold its refunds until the state can pay its workers.
I pay a ********************load in taxes and I know many others that do also.
The next thing to happen here will be red light cameras. After that a camera in our homes to make sure we are doing it missionary. Its coming folks.
Someone will be watching as we do it once a week.
Twice if we get uncle sams permission.
write your senators people, write them all as much as you can and bombard them with letters againt this ..
This one better be squashed fast by Babbit as a no deal. I can't believe what is becoming of the industry in the U.S. This is just another example of our elected/appointed officials running amok. As one of the earlier posts queried; What can they gain from random after the fact cockpit chit-chat. Is it that big of a mystery to figure out. All they need to do is go consult with the NTSB human performance group or go listen to some past, post accident cvr tapes to get a handle on it again. Again, another knee jerk reaction to an accident where we already know what happened, and, why. This is easier than implementing new entry requirements for pilots and higher standards in training.
For those pilots at airlines with FOQA in place, be very careful where that leads. Make certain that your bargaining agreement has specific language about who see's what and what can be done with it. That data that gets pumped out of the airplane is a treasure trove of information and would surprise a lot of U.S. guys about how the company can see how you are flying their airplane. Here in China, after my flight I can go up to an office and see on a monitor exactly how I flew. Like watching yourself on Microsoft flight simulator, except it's real. I was 5kts above Vref, I was 10ft high over the threshold, I exited the high speed(I know) too fast, etc..They have even programmed the FMS to alert to certain changes. As in think you are going to change the fuel load so you don't land overweight? Don't do it!
I guess what I'm saying is this is going on around the rest of the world except the U.S., but it is coming, and it sucks. It becomes the number one first decision. If I do this will it trigger a QAR? This is the punishment tool here, and they use it. Payroll deducted!
I cant believe anyone hasnt already said it...

Wait for it.......

Just a little longer........

Everyone should should be writing their senators over this. Takes two minutes...


Upper right corner, select your state and it will give you a link to a web form for each senator.
So let me get this straight. The crew is commuting across the country,and "encouraged" to fly sick and tired, yet this is what the NTSB and law makers are focusing on?

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