We used to be able to go VFR on top, so blasting off from PDX-SEA I'd always ask for direct the west side of Mt. St. Helens and the east side of Mt. Ranier and then hook up for the Chins Arrival. Actually saved about 5-10 minutes especially if they were landing to the north in Seattle. The last couple of times I did it, St. Helens was still smoking a bit. I loved it, the pax loved it and it was way cool.
Also, northern lights and of course my very first experience with St. Elmo's fire.
Climbing out of Midway, breaking out above the clouds, the top portion of the Sears tower was the only thing sticking out above the clouds. It was like a giant ship in a sea of grey.
My first flying job that included flying the "Flying Elvises" for a promotional jump in Vegas. Taking my family up after getting my private. The 700 trips over the "ditch" were pretty cool. Getting an "atta boy" after dealing with an inflight emergency. The most memorable trip in all my years was the one were I met my wife!
Flying across the Ice cap Gof greenland in a small prop plane. The ice rises to about 10K feet, crossed at 12K. So desolate, yet so amazingly beautiful.
Seeing a rocket launch, going from BQN to somwehere up north, green ionaization trail and a pin prick light.
Nothern lights never gets old, nor does seeing Greenland!
Louisiana-Florida area late into the night. Scraping along the top of overcast @ 350 weaving between big thunder heads shoving way up above us. The Moon was bright on top while the lightning flashed continuous in all directions. At one point the St. Elmo's was so strong I reached up to make sure I had turned off the landing lights as the nose was lighting up the clouds below.
Each and every time firing the 30mm GAU-8 cannon from the A-10. Smoke, noise, the smell and taste of gunpowder in the cockpit, and finally the "sparkles" from the bullets hitting their target.
From the airline side, I always enjoyed the "formation" approaches to 28L & 28R at SFO.
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