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Not Paying Union Dues

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bullsh!t. I did one for RAH and had friends that did them at ASA and Comair. They're plenty out there, you've just got to look.

You don't have to be in the union, but you have to pay the same dues in the form of a fee. After all, you're acting on your principles and refusing to join the evil union yet you are directly benefitting from the union's collective bargaining on your behalf. And just in case you didn't know...aviation is not "every other industry out there". Flight crews are labor not management...and that is a very important distinction to make when talking compensation.

Easy boiler,

Read that sentence again.

Notice I sad you can’t get an internship FLYING 121 for the summer. You can get one working for RAH, but I doubt you flew the line. Basically meaning that you have an “IN” at RAH, but really carries to weight outside of the company, because it didn’t help your logbook at all.
Notice I sad you can’t get an internship FLYING 121 for the summer. You can get one working for RAH, but I doubt you flew the line. Basically meaning that you have an “IN” at RAH, but really carries to weight outside of the company, because it didn’t help your logbook at all.

As far as I know, you can't get a flying internship with any 121 carrier...

And oh yeah, fat bunch of good it did me - Rosa left and I never got an interview with RAH. Wish I'd have flight instructed more instead that summer, might have gotten hired by somebody earlier...
At all ALPA properties that have an 'Agency Shop' provision (all the majors and most regionals) the airline can not hire you if you are in bad standing with ALPA.
Don't know where you heard that from and I know it to be incorrect. I personally know ex-TWA guys who went into bad standing with ALPA and subsequently got hired by AWA, ATA, CAL, FDX and several regionals. There's no questions about union membership on any apps or during interviews.
Whatever happened to "Free Association"? Isn't that part of what this country was founded on? Yet we are FORCED to pay for a union. Seems like a good case for the new supreme court, I think the way it is made up we could Finally win.
It's called the Railway Labor Act (amended to include the airline industry) and has been in effect since 1926. The Supreme Court won't be interested.
Paulsalem's profile:

Curr Position: Regional F/O
Total Time: 1,200

Enough said. He'll learn the hard way eventually.
Paulsalem's profile:

Curr Position: Regional F/O
Total Time: 1,200

Enough said. He'll learn the hard way eventually.
I sure hope not!
  • I hope I never reach the point where I believe having a job is a right, not a privilege.
  • I hope I never think the owner of the company is evil because he is trying to make money.
  • I hope I never stop believing in fighting my own battles.
  • I hope I don’t believe that I deserve a promotion and a pay raise because of my years of service with a company.
  • I hope I never endlessly complain about a company and an industry, but yet never leave.
  • I hope I never believe in “screwing the company”
  • I hope I never call in sick when I’m healthy.
  • I hope I never have this outlook on capitalism
Rez O. Lewshun said:
Let's not forget...

One of the dark truths at the heart of free-market capitalism: the unblinking willingness of those in power to crush--physically and spiritually--those who work.

The only I came to an airline is to build time. I chose to apply to the airline I did because they have a base nearby. I am very close to getting a corporate gig, that will most likely be my job for life (if I have anything to say about it) and I’ll never have to be in a union again.

But you are right, I am young and inexperienced in aviation. However I come from a family that has owned many successful small businesses. I do not look at things from the same standpoint as you do. I understand I can never get rich working for someone, and I have accepted that. I do understand what it means to be a good employee though.

The main problem I have with unions is this: A lot the pro union people I have met, are the same people that go out of their way to screw the company (not all of them though). That is wrong. That is what gets to me more than anything.

Now, the company I work for does violate the contract on a regular basis. The crew schedulers will attempt to bully the crewmembers into something that is against the contract. That makes me very mad.


And you know what, if one side doesn’t hold up their end, that is no excuse for the other group to ignore the agreement also

This goes for both sides. Why do pilots not hold up their end of the contract (example: not checking in with scheduling before and after a trip) and expect the company to do their part?

Bottom line is, if you don’t like the job quit.

But I guess only time will tell. PCL_128 PM me in 30 years, we'll see just how stubborn I am.
Last edited:
I sure hope not!
  • I hope I never reach the point where I believe having a job is a right, not a privilege.
  • I hope I never think the owner of the company is evil because he is trying to make money.
  • I hope I never stop believing in fighting my own battles.
  • I hope I don’t believe that I deserve a promotion and a pay raise because of my years of service with a company.
  • I hope I never endlessly complain about a company and an industry, but yet never leave.
  • I hope I never believe in “screwing the company”
  • I hope I never call in sick when I’m healthy.
  • I hope I never have this outlook on capitalism
I'm sure I would have given that same response when I was a brand new FO. I was as anti-union as they come, but I quickly learned. Simple platitudes such as "if you don't like it then quit" sound nice and catchy as Rush Limbaugh utters them, but they don't hold up to the scrutiny of the real world. Sorry, but life (and business) just aren't like that. I'm sure management would like you to continue believing it, though. Remember this, however: management thinks of you as nothing but a disposable commodity.

The main problem I have with unions is this: A lot the pro union people I have met, are the same people that go out of their way to screw the company (not all of them though). That is wrong. That is what gets to me more than anything.

Some of them do fit this mold, but most do not. I certainly don't fit into this category. I do everything I can to save the company money. Wasting company resources is only self-defeating in the end, and I've never known any ALPA rep that advocates "screwing" the company.


Now you're starting to get it! Yes, an agreement should be an agreement. In the real world, however, management will always do everything in their power to circumvent that agreement and to screw you over at every possible opportunity.

And you know what, if one side doesn’t hold up their end, that is no excuse for the other group to ignore the agreement also

I agree! And I don't know any other union reps that would disagree either! ALPA always tells pilots to stick to the contract. We will uphold our side of the agreement. When management doesn't, then we'll grieve it and work within the system.

But I guess only time will tell. PCL_128 PM me in 30 years, we'll see just how stubborn I am.

30 years? It only took me about 6 months, my friend. I have no doubt that you'll come around.
I sure hope not!
  • I hope I never reach the point where I believe having a job is a right, not a privilege.
  • I hope I never think the owner of the company is evil because he is trying to make money.
  • I hope I never stop believing in fighting my own battles.
  • I hope I don’t believe that I deserve a promotion and a pay raise because of my years of service with a company.
  • I hope I never endlessly complain about a company and an industry, but yet never leave.
  • I hope I never believe in “screwing the company”
  • I hope I never call in sick when I’m healthy.
  • I hope I never have this outlook on capitalism
The only I came to an airline is to build time. I chose to apply to the airline I did because they have a base nearby. I am very close to getting a corporate gig, that will most likely be my job for life (if I have anything to say about it) and I’ll never have to be in a union again.

But you are right, I am young and inexperienced in aviation. However I come from a family that has owned many successful small businesses. I do not look at things from the same standpoint as you do. I understand I can never get rich working for someone, and I have accepted that. I do understand what it means to be a good employee though.

The main problem I have with unions is this: A lot the pro union people I have met, are the same people that go out of their way to screw the company (not all of them though). That is wrong. That is what gets to me more than anything.

Now, the company I work for does violate the contract on a regular basis. The crew schedulers will attempt to bully the crewmembers into something that is against the contract. That makes me very mad.


And you know what, if one side doesn’t hold up their end, that is no excuse for the other group to ignore the agreement also

This goes for both sides. Why do pilots not hold up their end of the contract (example: not checking in with scheduling before and after a trip) and expect the company to do their part?

Bottom line is, if you don’t like the job quit.

But I guess only time will tell. PCL_128 PM me in 30 years, we'll see just how stubborn I am.

awwww how cute.......

paulsalem... what do you think of a company and corporate executive team that takes away a man's retirement or pension, after he has worked 20+ years? And how do you expect that man to feel about his employer?

I hope to own a small business one day too.. but being a labor is nothing bad. In fact small business owners need airline pilots and other employees to fly the NAS.

If you want to come to the airline business, build time and leave that is your right. But you can thank union volunteers in part for making your usage possible.

Your black and white opinion is a bit snobbish and that is your right too. We have been hammered for the last five years, so you'll excuse the cynicism as we have given 30% pay cuts and our pension only to see the "small business owners" pat themselves on the back and give themselves a bonus.....
management thinks of you as nothing but a disposable commodity.

My grandfather (very successful business owner, who started with literally nothing) always said that everyone is replaceable.

All it takes is 6 weeks of training to replace me.

Although with the hit Riddle took last week, it may get a bit tougher.

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