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Not Another Lakes Posting!

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brianh, planned reductions and to top it off, over 85% of the pilot group voting to strike when the time comes. Negotiations continuing on forever and getting no where. As soon as the mediator agrees negotiations are over, its strike time. You know what, I'm all for the strike because we're treated like little kids here.

Cornelius said:
brianh, planned reductions and to top it off, over 85% of the pilot group voting to strike when the time comes. Negotiations continuing on forever and getting no where. As soon as the mediator agrees negotiations are over, its strike time. You know what, I'm all for the strike because we're treated like little kids here.


Do you really think at a place like Lakes a strike will make a difference? Times have never been good at Lakes and times industry wide are really bad. While we all know your deserve better do you really think you will get it? I am a Laker hopeful and I know what I am walking into. No rose colored glasses here. I of course would not cross a picket line. Is the opinion of the 85% that is will be better to put Lakes out of business vs. staying your minimum time required and moving on? Just my 2 cents. Good luck with the negotiations.

- AZPilot
Correction to my last post. The planned reductions are just a rumor, not a fact. Azpilot, a strike will put lakes out of business within 2 shakes of a lambs tail. Its time lakes makes some changes, and the time is now. We're just getting to fed up. Hopefully things will work out.
Cornelius, thanks for the dirt!! I like AZPilot, know what I'm getting into, I'm hoping thing's will get better, good luck!!
Cornelius said:
Correction to my last post. The planned reductions are just a rumor, not a fact. Azpilot, a strike will put lakes out of business within 2 shakes of a lambs tail. Its time lakes makes some changes, and the time is now. We're just getting to fed up. Hopefully things will work out.

I hope it does as well. I have always said it takes a lot more effort to do things the wrong/hard way than the easy/right way. Problem is most management folks don't think this way. I have been in a leader related position for 7 years and have always had great teams work for me. I wish I could convince others to treat their people better.

I think the only thing you might be able to get are slightly better schedules and less jr. manning. I am sure a pay increase is out of the question.

Hell the Lakes web site is so bad I would help them improve that on my days off! It is too bad. The whole image is so shoddy. I like the new tails on some of the planes though. Of course most of the Mesa 1900's are even worse!

Good luck,

I know it seems strange that a pilot group would even consider striking at a time like this when there are a lot of pilots out on the street, but if I were still there, I'd vote to strike too (in fact, I was planning on it). It shows just how fed up the pilots are. I worked there for 3 years and only had a contract for 1 of those years. It might as well have been ripped up and thrown away anyways. They only used it to their advantage.

It is just pitiful that the F.O.'s qualify for food stamps. A base salary of $13,000!! I really hope that changes for the better.

In my opinion, I don't think Great Lakes will ever go out of business though. Somehow that place always manages to survive. I've heard a lot of guys call it the "cockroach airline" just because it never goes away! If it does come down to a strike, Voss will find some way to keep it alive.

If you can afford it, go ahead and go there, but get on to another regional asap!

-For whatever it's worth

That's too bad!! I've read that somewhere out here, that the only two thing's that could survive a nuclear winter is, cockroaches & GLA!!! It's lookin like a severe nuclear winter!!!
I'm with Menace, I think I can survive to get the valuable time & experience!!!

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