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No liberals in my jumpseat

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"Ooooooo, that's gotta hurt worse than getting a birthday telegram from Zinedine Zidane."

Zidane [knocks on door w/ cake in hands]

Lady: "Yesss???"

Zidane [headbutts her, knocking her out, throws cake on her body]

Zidane: "Bon-aniversaire!"


I love Family Guy!
Don't you mean valeDORKtorian?


You're pretty funny. You should seriously take your show on the road... Maybe even cut a CD.

Listen, Jackass, you seem to take great pride in putting down others in order to make yourself feel better.

I'm guessing you don't have any hours in combat. I'm guessing you've never dropped combat troops on the front lines, then returned them to their mothers in flag draped coffins.

I'm guessing you don't have the foggiest fuc-ing idea about what happens beyond your 'civilian' world of flying.


That's the way it should be.

There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that makes that all possible, Sparky.
I admit, those videos are pretty cornball and gay.

Has no one at your alma mater ever done anything equally as juvenile? Should the rest of us deny alumni from your college from the jumpseat if just a few of the tens of thousands of alumni had a bad lapse in tasteless humor? Because if a few of you are guilty of such sin, then surely all the rest of the people from your university must be equal on the dork scale, right? Are you all the same? If so, please tell me your alma mater so that I can petition UPS HR and the IPA jumpseat committee to keep the door closed on your type.

Look dude, tens of thousands of honorable people and exemplary aviators have graduated with distinction and an esteemed education from ERAU. I'm one of them: Valedictorian, Daytona Beach, 1990. I also went on to finish first in my USAF UPT class, and follow on RTU. That doesn't make me a better pilot than anyone else from many of the other fine schools with aviation programs, but it most certainly doesn't automatically qualify me as a dork.

How often do ERAU grads criticize graduates from other colleges in a public forum?

Often times, Riddle-bashing is a form of latent insecurity about one's own training. It could also indicate an arrogant, self-inflated ego and sense of self-importance.

See a counselor.

Lighten UP, Francis.....you're not doing anything other than proving his point.
Riddle Aces are dorks essentially because they're the kind of guys who will at the drop of a hat take a joke thread seriously if it gives them an opportunity to defend their "alma mater" and bring up the fact that they're Maverick #1 Top Gun. Dork.
Often times, Riddle-bashing is a form of latent insecurity about one's own training. It could also indicate an arrogant, self-inflated ego and sense of self-importance.

See a counselor.

When I see the Riddlers flying Mooneys out of a 1700 foot long strip they will get the respect that deserves...or when they show up at a short wing Piper convention and beat the stick and tube guys at precision landings in their high performance singles...or any real world application for that matter!
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You're calling him a log of firewood??!!

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